Third annual Empty Bowls raises $2K for Project Share
The 2015 school year has brought with it the third annual Empty Bowl Project to CHS.
The national Empty Bowls project was created by Imagine Render. The purpose of the Empty Bowl project is to raise money and awareness to help end hunger on earth.
It started as a classroom project in Michigan by art teacher John Hartom and Lisa Blackburn. Hartom liked the idea of using student art and artists to make a difference in his community; thus Empty Bowls was born.
Empty Bowls has now spread throughout the United States and over seas. The money raised is donated to local charities and soup kitchens, as well as organizations such as Feed the Children.
Now Empty Bowls is held at many locations every year, but all locations have the same goal to help spread the word about and help end hunger.
CHS’ Empty Bowls held their Ice Cream Social on May 8, 2015. Two workshops designated to creating the pottery were held earlier in the year on February 28 and March 8.
Pottery from students of Francis Tolan’s Sculpture and Ceramics class, National Art Society, Rachel Drumheller’s art classes, Carlisle Arts Learning Center, and elementary classes from LeTort and Mooreland had also been created/accumulated for the cause.
For $10, supporters could pick any pottery bowl they wished and get it filled with an ice cream of their choice. The 10 gallons of ice cream was donated by The Meadows.
According to Drumheller, roughly $2,000 dollars were raised for Project SHARE. All of the proceeds go to Project SHARE to help provide families and individuals that are in need of food and assistance.
Tolan, who helped organize CHS’ Empty Bowls was very pleased with the turn out. “The turnout was amazing. The support we get from the community is truly amazing.”
Senior, J.P. Rentez, a volunteer at the event and also an art student, said,” There was a lot more people this year, and we sold a lot of bowls. We only have two boxes left!”
For more information, please contact Mr. Tolan or Project SHARE.
Want to help the Herd? Please consider supporting the Periscope program. Your donation will support the student journalists of CHS and allow us to purchase equipment, send students to workshops/camps, and cover our annual website hosting costs.

Chenta Shirley is a senior at Carlisle High School and this is her second year on the periscope staff. She plans on graduating in the spring of 2015 and...
Ashley • Sep 23, 2015 at 9:55 pm
Wow!. I did not participate, but it sounded like a lot of fun. I am shocked it raised so much. I knew it would raise a lot of money but $2k!?! That’s insane. I hope its that successful next time.
Brandin • May 26, 2015 at 12:45 pm
This is a really good project and im glad to see that it is successful! This is great as it also gets the community involved to help the needy in the area.
Leanza Lopez • May 22, 2015 at 1:47 pm
This is so awesome! I wish I had participated in this fundraiser because I love art (even though I’m really bad at art). Also, it is a great idea to create something cool and still help others (all while having a good time).
Jessica Brumbach • May 21, 2015 at 12:32 pm
That is so much for such a good cause, I’m so glad that our school is able to come up with great ideas for this. I volunteer at Project SHARE a lot and it’s always nice to see more and better products for those in need!
Kimberly Nickle • May 18, 2015 at 1:37 pm
It’s so great to see that the school can get together for such an important cause. Being a part of this school for the past four years it’s been great to see this program grow and expand as it has. This is an easy way for students and members of the community to get involved in school events and in donating to charity for a good cause.