Back To ‘Back To The Future’
Marty McFly and Dr. Emmett Brown travel to October 21, 2015 at 4:29pm in the future.
Most people have seen the film Back to the Future part II. And if you have, you must’ve realized that October 21, 2015 is the day that Marty visits the future. In the film we see a lot of things that people thought we would have by now, but how accurate were they?
The film, although extremely off with the fashion, was not too bad at predicting a handful of things.
One major thing the film had predicted correctly was hover boards; there are some that have been manufactured by Lexus. As impressive as they are, they aren’t quite as good as the ones in BTTF. The hover boards work, but only over magnets.
Brad Merill of the website “Make Use Of” stated that “The technology relies on a special quantum effect that occurs between superconductors and magnets, which allow for stable levitation of heavy objects. The effect is known as ‘Quantum Locking.’”
A really cool idea was also proposed in the movie; the concept of self-tying shoes. Now it just so happens that Nike has been working on these shoes and plans to release them in spring of 2016 for the charity organization Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Fox, the star of the Back to the Future trilogy, was actually the first person ever to receive a pair of the Nike Air Mags.
In a press release on the Nike website, Nike, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer Mark Parker said, “We started creating something for fiction and we turned it into fact, inventing a new technology that will benefit all athletes.”
Some technology people thought we would have like the dog-walker, smart glasses and video chatting were also correctly predicted. The dog walking drone in the movie is much similar to the drones we have available today, although we use them today for a lot of personal and commercial business. (i.e. rescue missions, research, mapping, as explained by the American Civil Liberties Union.) The smart glasses Doc uses seem to be just a bulkier version of Google Glasses. In the film we also see a form of video chatting between old Marty and his boss, which is much like Skype today.
We still don’t have everything they predicted we would from the movie like flying cars or, or course, time travel. While it may be nice to have those advances, it is clear that humanity still has a little while to go before that happens.
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This is Sheyenne, a first year member of Periscope. She is working in Perspectives as a writer and editor. With many leadership qualities her time in...
Jackson Hoch • Oct 26, 2015 at 2:44 pm
These are some good ideas, so good that’s it scary. Look I tried. DYI is becoming a popular craze since decorations for special occasions are getting so expensive. Good work.
Jackson Hoch • Oct 26, 2015 at 2:41 pm
I love the Back to the Future movies. There was a funny spin off on Jimmy Kimmel’s show recently where Michael J. Fox and the original Doc came back as acted out their parts. Those two are such good characters.
Jasmine Sheaffer • Oct 26, 2015 at 1:49 pm
It still amazes me that Back to the Future did get some things correct. I remember watching it with my mom when I was younger and always thinking that I would use a lot of the cool technology when I would be a teenager. I think my biggest wish would be to have the hover boards; part of me believes they would be easier to ride than a regular skateboard.
Gabriela Menendez • Oct 23, 2015 at 6:15 pm
How did BTTF get it so right!? (the Cubs might even win the word series this year!) What a great set of films! Michael J. Fox rules!
Megan L • Oct 23, 2015 at 11:19 am
That is very true. I absolutely love the Back to the Future films. My family and I watched them a long time ago but they stick in my memory just due to their amazing quality. It’s a good point that the world is advancing faster probably then anybody would have realized. The stuff in the movies just seems like a dream and yet we are making it a reality. It’s a great point to bring up.
EmmaRose Atwood • Oct 23, 2015 at 11:16 am
My family had a “Back to the Future” marathon on October 21st! I think it’s funny how flying cars are always something people expect to see in the future. Maybe we will have them one day!