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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Song of Achilles, Curse of the Specter, the Hunger Games, A Good Girls Guide to Murder, the Reappearance of Rachel Price, and This Poison Heart sit on the staircase waiting for someone to pick up the best fall reads!

Fall Leaves and Cozy Reads

Laura Sands, Editor in Chief October 15, 2024

Summer is always the perfect time for reading. With the warm sun and lots of free time, so many people read an abundance of books. Now, with school starting and homework piling up, it’s harder to find...

Hannah Stoner (left) and Sophia Kuzmenko (right) enjoy the warm air with some of the best books of the summer.

Hot Summer Reads: 13 Books that are the Epitome of Summer

With the school year wrapping up fast, students are beginning to make summer plans. What better way to spend the summer than lounging at the beach with a nice, comforting, warm-weather-themed book? Below...

Tale as Old as Time: Existing and Being Changed for Centuries, Fairytales are a Major Player in the Retelling Genre

Beastly Beauty by Jennifer Donnelly: A Tail of Self-Love

Sophie Haque, A&E Editor May 28, 2024

Beastly Beauty by Jennifer Donnelly is the final book in her twisted fairytale trilogy. The two books that precede it are Stepsister and Poisoned, which feature retellings of Cinderella and Snow White,...

Student reads book on stairs completely engaged in the novel. "On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous" is the perfect spring to summer read.

Beauty Within Hardship: A Review of “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” (Review)

Scarlett Learned, Staff Writer May 28, 2024

Vietnamese American Poet and Novelist Ocean Vuong’s most popular book, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, is a powerful exploration of identity, love, family, and the inner complexities of human...

The "Beach Read" book being trashed due to its horrible plot.

Beach Read

Sophia Kuzmenko, Staff Writer May 28, 2024

Want to read a book called Beach Read? Surprise! It’s set at a lake house.  That is only the start of the mistakes in the underwhelming and overhyped Emily Henry book. The characters lack personality,...

Photo of 'Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands' copy.

Emily Wilde’s Map of The Otherlands: Review of a Sequel

Ollie Daniels, Staff Writer May 7, 2024

January of this year, the second installment in an upcoming gem of a fantasy series was released to the public. Both books follow the protagonist, Emily Wilde, who is a curmudgeonly scholar at Cambridge...

Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Today Tonight Tomorrow: YA Highschool Love Story (Review)

Daleshka Leon Raya, Staff Writer April 18, 2024

Spring is on its way! Spring is a prequel to summer, and many of us eagerly await its arrival. With summer so far away, we need books to fill the yearning for summer break. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel...

Night one of Caraval begins for players.

Caraval: “Remember it’s only a game…” (Review)

Sophia Kuzmenko, Staff Writer April 10, 2024

Caraval by Stephanie Garber is a thrilling and page turning book about a mysterious show where people's lives are at risk. It keeps the reader on their toes every single chapter. Although the story is...

The Handmaid's Tale image

The Handmaid’s Tale Women’s History Month (Review)

Sophia Kuzmenko, Staff Writer March 28, 2024

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is a book about a dystopian society where men have full control of women. This story is deeply disturbing and makes the reader feel a sense of dread, opening their...

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (Review)

Exit West by Mohsin Hamid (Review)

Noah Guillaume, Staff Writer March 14, 2024

In a world with no borders, Mohsin Hamid tells the story of two lovers trying to seek asylum as their city is on the brink of war.  In the novel Exit West, Nadia and Saeed are two teenagers who...

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