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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


MORE THAN WORDS: If you are one of the millions of people that have enjoyed the word game Wordle, check out the various spin-off puzzles that the game has inspired.

Game on: ‘Wordle’ spin-offs for every interest (Review)

Grace Pak, Guest Writer April 6, 2022

By now, you've probably heard of the popular game Wordle. You have six guesses to figure out the daily five-letter word based on color-coded hints. Maybe you're craving more, bored of it, or maybe...

Calmharm, Youper, and Headspace are three apps that can help to improve your day to day life and mental health awareness.

Heading off stress: Anxiety and relaxation apps (Review)

Summer Hollingsworth, Staff Writer April 17, 2019

In this day and age, technology, especially phones, in particular, can often get a bad rap. They’re perceived as being distractive objects, only used for social media. However, our devices can have many...

As new games are being released, the trend that is emerging is that ideas once used a coming back.  The deathmatch style games are becoming one of the more reoccurring game styles.

Genre repeat: Battle royale gaming has ties to deathmatch style

Zack Mattaboni, Staff Writer March 21, 2019

It is often expected that the video game industry tends to move forward. However, with recent successes such as Fortnite and Apex Legends, we can see an obvious difference: the industry has begun reusing...

T-series (left) and PewDiePie (right) have been locked in a battle for the most subscribers for several months. Many fans of YouTube are scared that PewDiePie losing his crown will officially mark when YouTube lost its identity.

PewDiePie vs T-Series: The war for YouTube’s identity (Editorial)

Cameron Fritz, Publications Manager March 12, 2019

A war is brewing in the depths of YouTube. PewDiePie, YouTube's most subscribed to video creator faces off against India’s biggest movie production company, T-series for the position of most subscribed...

While phones can be a helpful resource, they have also become an addiction.  However, there are apps available to help limit and regulate how much time we are spending on are phones.

Blocking the temptation: Apps to help limit phone usage

Abigail Lindsay, Editor in Chief February 15, 2019

In a society filled with technology, we are constantly surrounded by the temptation of electronics.  Approximately 1.54 billion smartphones are bought each year worldwide according to ...

Vines co-founder has been working hard to create a new app similar to Vine, called Byte.  Byte is expected to be released in the early spring of 2019.

Byte: Will this be the return of Vine?

Parker Shabala, staff writer February 12, 2019

Millions were stunned when they heard of the shut down of the app Vine in 2016.  After raking in 200 million users in 2012 alone, both creators and viewers were devastated when Vine was taken down in...

Fallout 76 was released on November 14. So far fans prefer Fallout 4 as the new game has not gotten many good reviews.

Fallout 76: Truly terrible or unfinished masterpiece? (Review)

Zack Mattaboni, Staff Writer December 18, 2018

Fallout 76 is a recently released game that has been viewed poorly by critics and gamer's alike. The game definitely has many negative points, but is it truly deserving of these poor ratings? Game play...

HQ Trivia is a popular trivia app available for iOS and Android. If you answer a set of questions without getting any wrong, you have a chance to win a money.

HQ Trivia ‘gets down to the nitty gritty’ with increasing prize money (Review)

Carol Etzel, Magazine Editor-in-Chief April 13, 2018

$300,000 dollars is now only a handful of questions away, thanks to the app HQ Trivia (HQ). Every day at 3 pm and 9 pm EST (although times can vary), host Scott Rogowsky greets his audience of between...

"Spent" allows teenagers and adults to be able to experience how to survive being poor and homeless.

‘Spent’: Game teaches teenagers and adults about financial survival in the real world

Daija Berry, Staff Writer December 9, 2016

"It's just stuff.  Until you don't have it." This is the motto for a web game that is not just a fun question and answer situation but a lesson in surviving in the real world. “Spent” is an...

Can a online resource like Khan Academy help students learn more?

21st Century Tutors: Online resources help students make the grade

Harry A. Wendelken, Student Life Writer October 23, 2015

Whenever a student feels that they are ill-prepared for that upcoming test or maybe just want to build up general knowledge, no longer will they have to dig through their notes--they can power up...

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