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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


"I feel like I appreciate being able to form expressions and emotions without people knowing exactly what I'm talking about, and leaving it up to interpretation for other people.”-  Emma Peachey, Sophomore

Herd In The Halls: “What makes poetry important to you?

Aniah Filteau, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

For this edition of Herd in the Halls, we chatted with recent Scholastic Writing Award-winning poets from CHS, asking "What makes poetry important to you?" Click on "Gallery" to see their responses.

Marticela Comas

Herd in the Halls: Who is your favorite musical artist right now and why?

Aniah Filteau and Jenna Coller January 26, 2022

In the halls of CHS we asked students about their favorite musical artists right now and why, and we got a lot of interesting responses. Click on “Gallery” to see their opinions.  

 “I’d say probably Bison Block because you can ask the teacher that you're with what you have to catch up on.” - Madison Shields, Freshman 

Herd in the Halls: What is the bright spot in your schedule or school day?

Aniah Filteau, Staff Writer January 3, 2022

In the halls of CHS we asked students what the bright spot in their schedule is and we got a lot of interesting responses. Click on "Gallery" to see their opinions.

LISTEN CLOSELY: The halls may appear empty, but as students adjust to returning in the new year they reflect on what they have learned in 2020.  Many students shared their stories about how they powered through a tough year to focus on their personalities.

Herd in the Halls: What did you learn about yourself in 2020?

Hannah Stoner, Editor-in-Chief January 22, 2021

Click on the Gallery button below to check out some of our favorite responses!

CHS students take on different topics affecting the school.

Herd in the Halls: Holidays Breaks

Heidi Heinlein, Perspectives Editor December 14, 2018

"How do you feel about the length of holiday breaks?" Heidi Heinlein "I think the length of breaks is good but a little longer would be nice because some people do a little bit more over these breaks...

CHS students take on different topics affecting the school.

Herd in the Halls: boys vs girls sports

Heidi Heinlein, Perspectives Editor December 14, 2018

How are girls and boys sports treated differently? Hunter Nace "What I have noticed is that when there is both a boys and girls team of the same sport, the girls team can get overlooked and it is not...

CHS students take on different topics affecting the school.

Herd in the Halls: standardized testing

Carlin Diehl, Staff Writer September 24, 2018

"What is your opinion on standardized testing?" Kaycee Johnson "Standardized testing is helpful and can give the school an idea of how we are doing in our classes, but some students find it difficult." -...

CHS students take on different topics affecting the school.

Herd in the Halls: the transition from paper to digital

Carlin Diehl, Staff Writer September 17, 2018

“How do you feel about Carlisle High School transitioning from paper to digital assignments?” “I think it’s a good thing we are saving paper, but sometimes the technology doesn’t really cooperate.” ...

Herd in the Halls: Students share their thoughts

Carol Etzel, Magazine Editor-in-Chief November 11, 2016


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