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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Teacher Profile: Ms. Clayville, a published pro, teaches students to write

Teacher Profile: Ms. Clayville, a published pro, teaches students to write

Summer Miller, Staff Writer January 10, 2023

Writing is no easy task. Weaving tales of terror or love, and enthralling an audience, can seem almost impossible. But Ms. Clayville has done it. She has climbed the writing mountain and reached the summit...

Mrs. Jackson, a 9th and 10th grade math teacher,  in her classroom at CHS.

Math Teacher Virginia Jackson Joins the Peace Corps

Jessa Warren, Media Editor December 16, 2022

Virginia Jackson, a 9th and 10th grade math teacher here at Carlisle High School, is leaving to serve in the Peace Corps in Thailand.  In her time at Carlisle, Jackson has spent time working at both...

Michelle Disbrow poses with her college pennants, lacrosse stick, and English textbook in her classroom.

Michelle Disbrow

Claire Neiberg, Student Life writer May 18, 2018

Grade: 12th Subject: English Fun Fact: "Even though I'm an English teacher, my master's degree is in sports management.  I am a sports fanatic and professional sports mom."

Sean Lehman

Sean Lehman

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director May 4, 2018

Subject: Physical Education Grade: 9th and 10th Fun Fact: "I graduated from Carlisle High School in 2005. My senior year I was voted 'Most Likely to Raise a Family in Carlisle."

Michael Gavazzi stands in front of maps and documents in his classroom.

Michael Gavazzi

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director April 26, 2018

Subject: US History Grade: 9 Fun Fact: "I sell art professionally. I'm in an art co-op in Chambersburg. Follow me on Instagram @gavazziartworks."

Rachel Drumheller poses with one the many gnomes around her classroom.

Rachel Drumheller

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director April 19, 2018

Subject: Design, Digital Design, Graphic Design, and Photography Grade: 9-12 Fun Fact: "I have a fascination with gnomes. I have a collection of gnomes that travel the road with my friends and family....

Francis Tolan works with April Haffly and Crystal Doporcyk on their Sculpture and Ceramics projects.

Francis Tolan

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director April 12, 2018

Subject: Sculpture/Ceramics I, II, and III Grades: 9-12 Fun Fact: "I have two favorite events during the school year. Each year the art department takes a busload of students to a major city to...

English teacher Sarah Clayville stands in front of one of her Harry Potter themed walls.

Sarah Clayville

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director March 22, 2018

Subject: AP Language and Composition and Creative Writing Grade: 11 and 12 Fun Fact: "I love Harry Potter! It has such a relatable story and teaches important lessons."

Jeffrey McMahon stands in his classroom in Swartz. He is the first teacher at CHS to teach AP Computer Science.

Jeffrey McMahon

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director February 22, 2018

Subjects: Algebra, Algebra II, and AP Computer Science Grades: 10-12 Fun Fact: "I played trumpet in the Penn State Blue Band."

Delia Roper sits at her desk in M209. She teaches World History and Honors World History.

Delia Roper

Becca Winton, Website Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Director February 8, 2018

Subject: World History Grade: 10 Fun Fact: "My family is going to get a golden retriever puppy this weekend. I'm very excited!"

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