Humans of CHS

Humans of CHS: Isaac Richins
"Video production sparked my interest because I wanted to learn to edit and make videos for my YouTube channel. I enjoy the class because there are amazing people, the teacher is great and helps out whenever he can! I also plan on moving on in the class to Broadcasting to be more involved with Herd TV rather than just the commercials."

Mr. Wilson
"This is my 17th year as head coach for wrestling and I've been in the program since 2nd grade. I graduated here at Carlisle High School in 2001, I went and joined the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. After that I graduated from Shippensburg University in 2009 with a major in history."

Mr. Busillo
"Over the summer, I spent lots of time with my family, tried new places to eat, and went to Hersheypark. My daughter, my wife and I also went to the community pool. I couldn't wait for this school year to start because I love teaching in the community in which I live. I've been teaching overall for 15 years, and here at Carlisle for 4. Carlisle is such a nice place to teach because the students are...

Mr. Ickes
"I've run a side business for 20 years, it's my utopia and my getaway. It's called BAI Landscaping. I love to clean up flowerbeds, trim shrubs, bushes, and mow my customers lawns. I go in and it doesn't look too good, but at the end of the day, I look at the result and I can say that I did that. I've also been coaching for about 29 years now, and my proudest moments were district finals in 2004. "When...

Mirza Hajdarevic
"We were on vacation, and on every vacation to Bosnia, we do projects to help our house. Last summer, the project for our family was for me and my father in specific. We hiked to the edge of our property, to the new acres we bought and we spent the entire morning putting up stone land markers. It took hours, it was hard, sweat dribbled down my back, and both of us were extremely exhausted. By the time...

Savannah Masgalas
"The rougher path is the better path to go down."

Amy Davidson
"Every day is a second chance."

Eliza Crozier
"Never let something so little get you down like someone hurting your feelings. You just have to be yourself and be that person for your friends and loved ones."

Aubrey Miller
"Be positive and take it one day at a time."

Guiness Smith
"I skateboard because it gives me a reason to hang out with the people I care about."

Avery Renaut
"Music is something that helps distract me from the struggles of life."

Emma Clausen
"I got into aviation last year, and I already know a lot about it. I study aircraft in my free time, tell my friends/family/teachers about it, and take pictures of airplanes at airports. I've been inspired by many other pilots and my dad to become an aviator. "

Kirsten Bisconer
"Friends may give you happiness, but education sets up your entire future."

Humans of CHS: Ollie Daniels
"Drawing and anime are things that I really enjoy, and the communities surrounding them are nice and fun to interact with!"

Humans of CHS: Annie Chovanes
"In my free time, I like to paint. Painting allows me to express myself in a way that I don't usually get to, and especially during the pandemic it's been like an escape from everything else."

Kirsten McMahon
“This [advice] is something I use in my daily life: 'avoidance feeds anxiety.' For me, I make small manageable goals that I need to tackle every day; it helps me so I don’t have things build up like grades or recommendations. It helps keep things from feeling insurmountable. That way I don’t have a mountain of work that I would never be able to overcome.”

Ella Shatz
"During the beginning of quarantine, I was not able to visit my ceramics studio anymore which was very disappointing. I ended up having to figure out how to set up my own studio at home with a wheel I borrowed from the Carlisle Arts and Learning Center. It was a big change but in the end, it pushed me in my adventure with clay and now I have a permanent studio with a wheel of my own at home."

Summer Brown
"A tip from me for senior year: Don't stress about anything, because it will always work out in the end."

Luke Bower
"When I graduate, I would like to get into film and video productions."

Kayleigh Wachtman
When I was in elementary school, I often dressed up as a witch year after year, so I would have to pick that as my favorite costume.

Cynthia Lupold
"My favorite costume when I was a child was a penguin costume."

Renee Amerena
"Being part of a military family, I’ve had the opportunity to live around the world. But my favorite place I’ve lived so far is Germany. Coming to the United States was definitely a culture shock and everything was new and different for me. Out of the high schools, I’ve been to, Lakes High School (Washington State) was by far my favorite. Mainly since I attended that school the longest I was a...

Adelisa Mesic
"Most people don't think of softball as being a complex sport, but what they don’t see is the effort and time put into the game. Winning isn’t everything, though; softball is about loving the game and the teammates you’re playing with. Being a part of a team really builds relationships with everybody and builds you."

Luther Green
"[In] high school [...] the students have the ability to process things a little bit better so the conversations you have with students go a little bit farther.”

Kensington MacMillen
“So far the highlight of my senior year has been going to the football games with my friends because, as a dancer, we don’t get to go often, so it’s nice to get out and support the school.”

Christian Pabon
"I love any kind of activity outdoors, especially fishing, because I love the adrenaline rush and the feeling of accomplishment after all the hard work."

Carmen Hershey
"I am in Musical Theatre and choir, and I love to sing."

Connor Fritz
"I put the 'pro' in 'procastination.'"

Renzo Sotomayor
“I love spending most of my time playing soccer, but a secret passion of mine is drawing [...] I love to draw in my free time, and find art a great way to express myself.”

Brad Hench
"I always enjoyed being around kids and [while] taking this job may have me more worn out at the end of the day, it's worth it. Someday I would like to write a sitcom called Hall Monitor."

Sean Lehman
"I've really enjoyed the experience [as a ninth grade principal] so far. I like connecting with the students and encouraging them to always do their best. It's a lot different than being in the gym but it's still a lot of fun."

George Null
"We're excited for the opportunity for the spring sports season to start...The teams have been working really hard. I have had the opportunity to work with the softball team the first couple weeks of the season and the last couple weeks of preseason. The kids are coming into shape and it looks like we have good numbers. We are looking forward to a very successful season for our athletes."

Kate Manti
"I enjoy writing because I know it is a critical life skill, and I know that my communication through my writing can be an important tool used by others."

Wyatt Yost
"I enjoy doing outside activities like hunting and fishing because I find it peaceful and I like the hands-on experience."

Jordan Lamason
“I put effort into my schoolwork because I know if I am successful now, I could be in the future and it motivates me to do great things.”

Morgan Sayers
“My favorite hobby is drawing. I am enrolled in an art class currently here at CHS. Art is my favorite hobby for many reasons. I think art is very stress relieving and that it is very exciting to see the end result.”

Kayleigh Wachtman
"I really enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends, it's what makes me happiest. When I am not working at McDonald's or as a full-time student, I enjoy volunteering with my youth group for fundraisers, plays, and dances. I also enjoy helping the community with Hope Station."

Lauren Taylor
"I am from a small town and adjusting to this new area is not what I expected but my personality shines through with my outfits."

Mason Mentzer
"Hunting brings me closer to friends and family... plus it has taught me that those who are patient have a better outcome."

Jesse Beck
"I enjoy taking part in engineering because it allows me to communicate with peers and expands my knowledge of how things work by learning with my hands."

Graham Lively
“I have only been Rubik cubing for two years, but I have found much success in my hobby. I frequently travel to competitions, and compete against other Rubik cubers for the fastest solving times. I am currently ranked within the top 300 cubers in the nation.”

Emma Den Hoed
“Outside of CHS, I’m involved in the Carlisle Area Composite Racing Mountain Biking Team. On the weekends, we travel to competitions to race other teams from around the area. My dad, Tony Den Hoed, was the one who originally got me into mountain biking. Today, mountain biking is one of my greatest passions.”

Ravyn Byers
“The year is going pretty good. I’m loving all my medical-related classes. I haven’t really made any new friends this year, but I love my old friends and I can’t wait to enjoy Homecoming with my friends and boyfriend. I also can’t wait for softball to start.”

Morgan Schrubb
"[Sculptures and Ceramics] benefits you with thinking outside of the box and it gives you patience. It also benefits you with motor skills with your hands and helps keep them still."

Dylan Boyd
“I’m definitely a musician in a way. From time to time, I’ll get together with a group and we’ll play an open mic night or something around. I’ve always hoped that I would be somewhere up on stage performing for thousands, but more recently, I’ve thought of taking a more ‘quiet life’ route and just being a writer or someone who does small bar shows. I’m a guitar player. I don’t know...

Jenna Bramble
“I noticed how I like connecting with people, and I like seeing how we all work together...I like being in a position where I can just sit back, take it in, and put in my input and help people out.”

Bryn Lafferty
“Ballet takes up a lot of time, so it’s really stressful sometimes to get homework done and get goods in school. Overall, it helps me build social skills and other important aspects.”

Caleb Reapsome
"[I'm most looking forward to] probably spring week because there is a lot of fun things to do. You get to just chill with friends after school."

Kyle Vaughn
"Yesterday, [the girls had a] lacrosse game at West York High School, and they were hitting a slump around the second half, but I just kept on cheering for everybody when they were making good plays. I would scream their name if they scored a goal, and we got three [goals] in a row. I got so excited, and I kept cheering them on even when they were at their lowest. The coach really appreciated that....

Will Solomon
"[My special skill is that] I've held my yellow belt in karate since the fourth grade."

Trinity Johnson
"[Wingin' it has] really helped me think of things like answers and help me with problem-solving quicker because part of improv is completely winging it and not knowing what you are going to do."

Devon Sweeder
"I like training service dogs because it has taught me not to judge people and Gabby [my dog] doesn't judge anyone by how they look so she treats everyone the same so that has opened my eyes...She has taught me to be more understanding and more patient because whenever I train her, sometimes it takes her a long time to get skills but we just have a bond."

Jessica Trial
"[I like] photography [class] because it's fun. I like taking photos and we learn Photoshop. [My favorite picture was] of a lawn flamingo and I think he was just in grass."

Laurie Echevarria
"We came [to Carlisle] as a military family, and we stayed here to raise our family in a small community nearby cultural things. [Specifically], we like the theater productions. We like museums [...] the festivals, and we like the educational experiences here."

Deidre Carothers
"I have been in choir since I was in middle school, probably sixth grade. I like how you can interact with people. It sounds good whenever we are all together, and you can hear the different parts of the choir."

Alexandra Davis
"[If I could go back] I would try harder freshman year because when you get older and start to think about college, grades are more important so you should start early."

Madison Jameson
"[In Best Buddies club] we were making gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and I really got close to Sarah [Neslund]. I feel like I have become friends with her."

Jacob Russell
"My pap was in the Army Reserves for a couple of years, and my great-grandfather served as a tank operator during World War II, and served in Europe. The family history of military service motivated me to [join the military]"

Dane Spence
"I feel like something everybody should do once in their lives, if I had to pick, [is] probably read a good book because reading takes you to new places even though you are still in the comfort of wherever you want to read. [One good book I read recently was] The Book Thief because it was from the point of view of death."

Emily Stine
"[People come to me for] a wide variety of things. It goes from schoolwork because I seem smart or just advice with relationships or what they should do regarding their friends."

Rachel Bell
"[Freshman year] is going really well because there is not much drama or anything. Everyone is still getting to know each other and how the school works so they aren't like trying to be cool or show off."

Julia Myers
"[At least once in their life, everyone should] pay for someone's meal. It's just something nice, like you never know what someone's dealing with that day, and just something kind like that would uplift them."

Elizabeth Richwine
"My daughter donated all her [dance] dresses to Mechanicsburg, where she teaches, and I thought that was a great idea. After we already gave the dresses away, I thought, 'You know what? Carlisle has that need,' so I talked to our counselor, Mrs. Jones. She got approval from the administration. We talked to Mechanicsburg. They gave us lots of ideas how to do it, and we just sent an email out there....

Caden O’Neal
"[The most interesting place I've been is] El Paso, Texas. Because the food there was way better than Taco Bell, and the culture was just very welcoming. It was a lot better than we could've imagined."

Brooke Stoner
"My motto has been 'Be strong and courageous' because that's just something that's really stuck with me through this year. Just knowing that senior year is gonna be tough and it's probably gonna suck--like the first two weeks, probably the worst two weeks of school I've had in my life--but it gets better."

Emily Sedlak
“This guy comes up […] and I serve him his food. [H]e was like, ‘I love how you serve with a smile. Always keep that up because that is such a good quality, especially later on in life.’ I just remember feeling I was in such a bad mood. I [was] frustrated and hot and angry and this compliment just made me feel so good. [S]omething I didn’t notice I was doing and it was like second nature...

Kelsey Sheffe
“I like to sing and I like to dance and I like hanging out with people so I thought ‘Hey [musical] people share interests so it might be fun.’ Whenever I was in like first grade, I played a girl named Illiniose [in my church play] and I was really loud and it was really fun [...] I sang the ABC’s.”

Jack Waller
"My dad. Family. They are just important people in my life. [My dad] is just someone I want to be like when I grow up. He had a bad accident and he didn’t show any pain or anything and it was really cool.”

Olivia Gorak-Lacquement
"I am different from other people because of the experiences I've been able to have in a military family. I've been able to travel, learn about different cultures and experience other traditions so they have definitely given me a wide world view."

Reece Bower
"I'd like to think I'm different because I'm involved in a lot of things that people aren't, like marching band and indoor drumline. Marching band and indoor drumline taught me how to be an individual in a crowd. They taught me how to look confident even when I don't feel it. Marching band taught me to be selfless and a good leader; while on the other hand indoor percussion taught me to enjoy whatever...

Hannah Frick
"I'm really honest; I'll always state my opinion no matter what others think, but I'll always try to understand other people's point of view too."

Elise Erickson
"I'm different from most people because I want to try everything and I'm not afraid to embarrass myself doing those things. I want to travel, go skydiving, explore jungles, write a book, meet new people, and get lost in a totally new culture. If there is something I don't know how to do, I probably really want to learn how to do it. My favorite thing to do is get out of my comfort zone and that's a...

MacKenzie Ellis
"I like to think that my motivation sets me apart from others. When I find something I am passionate about, I will work to no end to achieve it."

Josie Carlton
"I'm different from others because I come from a military family. I moved here right before my freshman year and didn't know anyone coming into high school. I'm glad I met the cheer team before school started. I am also glad that my family is retiring here at Carlisle so I wouldn't have to move throughout my high school years."

Madi Green
"What makes me different from others is that I don't take anything too seriously, but I am serious enough to get what needs to be done completed."

Ashley Musser
"I don't judge people, but I rather try to see the good in them."

Jamayla Spells
"I'm different from my insecurities. Instead of trying to hide them, I just embrace them, because if you're always trying to be like others, then you won't stand out as much. I'm also different on how I view the world. I view the world from the way I am, not how everyone else sees it. The way I am affects how I see the world. It's like this: loving people live in a loving world; depressed people live...

Colby Mitchell
"As a senior, I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. Undoubtedly, CHS has something to offer for everyone and that is exactly what makes it unique and welcoming. I feel this is key to creating a foundation for young adults leaving the school and entering a community, no matter where that may be. I will never forget the people I have met along the way and the opportunities. As I prepare...

Abigail Garrido
"A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody."

Kristian Cooper
"My art makes me unique. I really enjoy it because it gives me the opportunity to meditate. When I start a painting, I zone out and my mind goes blank. I'm only concerned with the individual line and not the piece as a whole. There really is no wrong or right--that's one of things about art I love."

Meghan Frutsche
"I'm in color guard and not a lot of people do that. Try your hardest through everything because you never know if it's your last chance to make a difference."

Aaliyah Torres
"'A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.' This quote belongs to my best friend who is always there for me no matter what the crisis is. She has been there for me since day one and will always continue to be there for me. I am myself! I stand out. I am my own person. I'm loud, funny, nice and caring. I show people love, friendship and support whenever...

Sariah Grant
"I'm unique because even when things are hard and it seems like the world around me is falling a part, I know that there is always a brighter future ahead waiting for me. 'Forgive but never forget' because life is short so I should enjoy all the time I get rather than hold grudges, and I should not forget because it was just another lesson that I can learn from."

April Haffoy
[On the sketch for her newest art project] "It's just a bunch of makeup products, and it says: 'Makeup is art, beauty is spirit.'... I do painting; it's for my painting class."

Abigail Sullivan
[On her first midterms as a freshman] "I'm nervous, but I am confident that my teachers will prepare me enough to pass."

Anthony Natale
"The small town community life has affected my desire to settle in a small community."

Rob Dutrey
"I grew up in Carlisle and always wanted to live in a place like it so why not stay?"

Ian Plank
"I like how since elementary school, my classes have challenged me, and I've been able to balance it with other extracurricular activities at CHS."

Sarah Thompson
"When I was younger I used to be jealous of War College families getting to move all these cool places. But as I've grown up, I've realized how lucky I am and how rare that is. Ever since kindergarten at Mooreland, I've always appreciated the faculty's willingness to help each student succeed, which has continued through to senior year."

Mr. Guss
“I hope to become the best teacher I can possibly be. Carlisle High School is a great school to do exactly that. It's an amazing high school with similar values to my own. Also has a wide range of student backgrounds, abilities, and personalities. This will prepare me for the teaching profession. Lastly, CHS allows me to see the many resources it has, while also continuing at Dickinson." ...

Candace McClure
"Every day I learn something new from students, and I think this is proof that we never stop learning. Some of my favorite moments are when students really get into a topic and think outside the box and discuss ideas that really matter in today’s society."

Hannah Seats
"This was my first time moving and I came from Arkansas. My favorite thing about Carlisle is how welcoming everybody is. I joined Student Council, Academic Decathlon, and Quiz Bowl this year and I'm really enjoying all of them. The students and staff here is so nice and so many of them have helped me adjust. Everyone does so much to help new kids out. CHS shouldn't change anything."

Talha Abbasi
“This is my first time in the United States. The hardest thing for me in school has been using Schoology. I think that’s a challenge because I haven’t done too much computer stuff before. All the teachers have been helping me though; you can go talk to teachers after class which is nice. I think CHS is pretty good for International fellows; they seem to be used to it. I’ve appreciated the help...

Muhamed Alic
“Starting off in school, I didn’t really know what I was trying to be in life; the further you go, the more you realize who you are and what you want to be. When senior year kicks in, it’s really about you; graduation is coming, you’ve got to go to college, and you’ve got to find out who you are. I decided to be a tough guy that does stupid things and it works out pretty well. I love doing...

Megan Lyons
“The most important thing to remember, I think, is forgiveness, because a lot of people make mistakes; it’s really hard to forgive especially when they make bigger mistakes but if you don’t, then that follows you throughout your entire life. Whether or not you realize it brings you back, if you don’t forgive them it’s kind of like you’re not forgiving yourself and it’s kind of important...

Tatum Mann
“High school is really fun if you make it fun. I think that if you force yourself to get involved, you’ll be really glad that you did. I think in my high school career, I was fairly involved, but looking back there are some things that I wish I did and I can only imagine how many more friends and eye-opening experiences that I might have had if I had gotten even more involved. So, put yourself...

James Webb
“Shakespeare Troupe is such a great experience to be able to do because it’s a really great community. All of us are basically family; we all stick up for each other no matter what. It’s a place where you can be yourself and get out there. You’re being yourself by not being yourself, it’s weird but it works, it makes sense. Stage fighting! I liked learning the choreography for the stage combat...

Adnan Alagic
“When I look at everybody I meet, I always look at what’s inside their heart and not what’s on their face. I don’t really care what clothes they wear, what shoes they wear – it doesn’t really matter to me. Every time I talk to them, I always gain a bit of new information that I’m probably going to use some other time in my life, whether it’s meeting more people or facing difficulties...

Bethany Petrunak
"I started music when I was in 4th grade [in] my elementry musical, which was 101 Dalmations, and I've fallen in love with it ever since. The choir director, Mr. Schade, is an amazing teacher. I feel like I've been able to accomplish my goals musically with his help. I would like to go to college and major in some type of music or theatre to be able to expand my range, sing in different languages, and sing...

Kira Sanders
“I like to play video games because you get to choose what you want to do and what you want to be like. I like to play World of Warcraft and Skyrim. Video games are just fun for me.”

Sheila Bixby
“My favorite day of the year actually isn’t a day; it’s a time of year, which would be homecoming week because it’s just fun watching the kids get dressed up, seeing what kind of wacky costumes they have. [T]here’s such a positive feeling in the air, and it’s just a lot of school spirit so I really enjoy that.”

Chuckie Nist
“I love sports; they keep me...I don’t want to say I get into trouble, but they keep me out of trouble. They keep me doing something year-round. They help me keep my grades up because there are constant grade checks with every sport [...]. They’re just a lot of fun; they keep me going and excited for school because I know after school, I get to go to my sport. They’re exciting; [they give] you...

Dan Hunsecker
“For the past 5 years, I have spent most of my time at Carlisle High School. It has been an honor to get to know the students, teachers, secretaries, and principals. It has also been a privilege to work with such amazing students. I have built up a great rapport and respect with them, so I guess that means the 'legend' will live on forever.”

Cameron Fritz
“I like being part of the group; it's like one big family. When I joined in 7th grade, I came there with a friend of mine who was already a part of the band and the atmosphere was just like crazy and it was awesome and everybody really accepted me and they thought I was really cool and I thought they were really cool. I just enjoy that a lot and that’s what made me stay in band because I might h...

Amber Rice
“I basically just try to think of the natural beauty of anything that I’m drawing. My favorite thing is still life so I try to capture what is in front of me, as in to make something beautiful out of the nature that’s already beautiful enough outside. I try to make my artwork as bright as I can; I try to make it happy. I like to portray happiness but every now and then I do like a little side...

Judith Anne Purdy
“I was born in Korea because that’s where my dad was stationed, then I moved to the States when I was two and we lived in Dahlonega, Georgia. We moved to Ohio near Cincinnati, then we moved back to Georgia at Fort Benning. Then we moved to Clarksville, Tennessee and after that, Fort Bragg, North Carolina which is where I lived before coming here to Carlisle. My experience so far in Carlisle has...
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