Middle school renovations expected to greatly benefit students

The middle school renovations have drastically changed the make-up of the schools most CHS students attended. These changes, according to parents and faculty alike, will greatly benefit Wilson and Lamberton students.

Both academic programs and the buildings themselves have seen significant reformations. After six years of planning and construction and $39 million in renovation costs, the middle school buildings have finished major alterations. The dedication ceremony was held on Sunday, September 28.

Some of these changes to the buildings include:

  • Different lockers,
  • a larger gymnasium,
  • a fitness center,
  • skylights,
  • more classrooms,
  • a cyber school room,
  • a more private nurse suite and counseling center,
  • a larger cafeteria,
  • laptop storage spaces,
  • new LGI seating,
  • rooms made from recycled materials,
  • and increased energy efficiency.

Staff and students, both current and former, have spoken positively of these modifications.

Colleen Friend, Wilson Middle School principal, explained that “one of my favorite parts […] is….the upcoming fitness center.”

Seng Pham, a Lamberton teacher, said that “there are skylights giving natural sunlight to interior classrooms. These lights allow students to better focus.”

However, not everything is completely different. The middle school locker colors (yellow, orange, and blue) are still scattered throughout the buildings.

One middle school student clarified, “they put the locker colors all over the school.”

Additionally, several aspects of the curriculum have also been amended.

Friend said, “we absolutely increased instruction time for kids. We don’t have academic enrichment time in the LGI anymore. We have been able to get every minute as far as instruction.”

It is the hope of many that more lunch options, daily language classes, an entire grade having lunch together, and the termination of POD will also help improve the middle schools.

The goal of the administration and teachers is to facilitate student success in a modern, clean institution of learning.