Preparing for prom: students to visit a “City of Stars”
Seen here are the members of the 2018 Prom Court. Who will take home the crowns in the “night under the stars”?
Prom is a time of year that juniors and seniors always wait for, and this year is no exception, as the “night under the stars” is creating a buzz around campus as the event draws near.
This year’s prom, “City of Stars,” will be hosted at the LeTort View Community Center on Friday, May 11. Students attending will be seniors and juniors, as well as some sophomores that have been invited by upperclassmen. Some non-students will be in attendance as well, but these guests have to be under 21 years old. All of this information and more can be found on the invitation pamphlets.
Many students wanted to be on the prom court and wanted to be prince and princess, but only a few students were selected. Juniors Kurtis Ravenel and Caroline Carson were selected to be the prom prince and princess, respectively. Along with the prince and princess, there is a Kings’
Court and a Princess’ Court. Daniel Davenport, Jeffrey Estes, Shane Keller, Zane Loose, Jalen Rule, and Christian Slyder are on the Kings’ Court this year, while Brooke August, Ashley Curlen, Sarah Kulp, Sophia Moffatt, Lindsey Shughart, and Madison Shughart are on the Queen Court.
“I have definitely been looking forward to prom, so being on prom court is very exciting,” said Kulp. “It is especially exciting to be experiencing it alongside such great people that I’ve has the chance to get to know over the past 4 years.”
All of these students are very happy to be selected, as it is a great honor for many to be one of the few that fit into the spots that are available. If someone receives the honor of being selected for prom queen or king, it really gives a sense of self-pride and happiness, and it is a very strong showing of the respect students have for their classmates.
Ravenel, the prom prince, said, “It feels pretty good knowing that I am liked by my classmates that I will soon be graduating with; it makes me happy.“
Between this prom court and the setting, this year is bound to be a great one and a year to remember with a “Night under the stars.”
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JT Kuhn is currently a freshman at Carlisle High School and this is his first year on the Periscope staff. He writes for the A&E section but occasionally...

This is Mrs. Muir's 13th year advising Periscope and she loves it more every year! She's an avid reader, loves dogs and being outside, and enjoys baking...