Homecoming heroes: CHS class councils prepare for first dance of the year
Al Speers counts the votes for the Homecoming Court nominations. Spears counted the votes during the week of September 24, and the results were announced September 28.
Every piece of Homecoming is meticulously and precisely planned by the Senior Class Council (SCC) and other students and staff yearly, and this year is no exception.
A quarter of SCC, the Homecoming court committee, puts together the homecoming court election ballots.
Senior Vasoula Petsinis, who is in charge of the committee, said that this process happens through the committee working to put together a list of every girl in CHS that is currently a senior.
They then distribute this list to seniors in their English classes. Juniors also get a chance to vote for the Homecoming queen, as is customary.
This year, these results were counted up on Sept 27 and the Homecoming court of 2018 came to fruition: Katie Barone, Caroline Carson, Casey Casteel, Charlize Lopez, Caitlin Quattrone, Caroline Tyndall.
That process is handled by only one of four committees. SCC is also in charge of the many other daunting tasks that come with setting up a successful Homecoming week. They start by having each member come up with theme ideas and narrowing it down to three of them. They then vote for the exact homecoming theme.
This year, they have decided to do a superhero theme. They then split into committees, which are made of elected officers and members who choose which committee they would like to be on.
The senior class adviser, David Bigelow said, “There are four different committees of council members. One is dedicated to the Homecoming court, one is in charge of ticket sales, one is in charge of the guest forms, and the other is in charge of teacher invitations. They all help to decorate.”
Bigelow also has his own share of work to put forth for Homecoming preparation. He is responsible for supervising the student meetings so that everything can go smoothly in preparation for the event. Bigelow also has the duty of supervising all decorations and the deadlines that each committee holds.
Due to the school budgeting, Bigelow must also handle the money and buy anything that is necessary for Homecoming. He is also in charge of communication between the committees and class councils, as well as keeping the entirety of the Homecoming process on task.
Decoration includes everything from the design of the tickets to the setup of the dance. SCC handles most of Homecoming behind the scenes, but part of this also falls onto the other class councils.
“We’ve been working on the senior name tags,” said Parker Shabala, a Freshman Class Council (FCC) member. “For the most part, we as freshmen get the work that no one else wants,” she said. FCC is split into two groups based
The Homecoming dance will be Oct 13 from 7-10 PM in the Gene Evans Gym. Tickets are on sale now for $10.
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Zack Mattaboni is a sophomore at Carlisle High School. This is his first year as a Periscope staff member and is currently a staff writer. Zack has a passion...
Sarah Rendon • Oct 29, 2018 at 1:12 pm
The Homecoming dance was very well put together, and I really appreciate all of the class councils’ hard work. The two dance floors and the hallways in between were very well decorated.
Ella Krebs • Oct 24, 2018 at 2:44 pm
I never knew how much teachers had to do with homecoming week. I always thought it was just class council members!
Abbey Birely • Oct 16, 2018 at 9:12 am
I think that how they set it up was really nice and convenient, but maybe switch the rooms so that the popular/ throwbacks are in a bigger room and the rap etc is the smaller. But i thought the set up actually worked well. Also I’ve been on Sophomore class council and the man power behind homecoming is admirable and should be recognized more considering how much work goes into it. Btw are there going to be anymore pictures from homecoming?
Jacob Bream • Oct 14, 2018 at 10:00 pm
I really enjoyed reading about the process of picking the homecoming queen and explaining what efforts are in the works to set up homecoming. As a member of the senior class council, I do say that all of this information is accurate. I also liked the integration of quotes from a senior class council perspective as well as the perspective from a freshman class council member.