Jessica’s Closet is here to help.
Jessica’s Closet is the rebranded and renamed version of the CHS’s Cinderella’s Closet program that was held at the high school. In January of 2020, Betsy Richwine had contacted C-Luv Thrift to see if Mary Carlton and George Kretzing, the owners of C-Luv Thrift (20 N. Hanover St, Suite 102), had an interest in taking up the program for themselves and incorporating it into their store. Carlton had immediately wanted to help the program stay up and running.
Related: Share the ‘Luv’: Small business owners give back to the community
She took this opportunity to not only provide students with dresses but to also honor her niece, 18-year-old Jessica Snook, who had died a few years before due to SUDEP, Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.
“Dressing up was one of Jessica’s favorite things to do! Thus, the name change,” said Carlton. A large portion of Jessica’s closet is to also educate people on SUDEP, as even Jessica’s mom had never heard of SUDEP before Jessica’s passing.
Shortly after Carlton’s and Kretzing’s adoption of Jessica’s Closet, national retailer Macy’s contacted Carlton with over 200, new with tags, dresses that they were donating to Jessica’s closet. She had also received 300 dresses from the previous Cinderella’s Closet, but many were not “Prom Worthy”: damaged or simply out of style, and they are working with Delta Nu, a sorority at Dickinson College, to pull these dresses out of stock. These will be sold at a later date at C-Luv; the dresses will go for very cheap and all proceeds will go towards getting Jessica’s Closet dresses dry-cleaned and altered if necessary.
Currently, Jessica’s Closet dresses are being stored at New Life Community Church, (64 E North Street in Carlisle); and for the time being, helping Carlisle students find a dress to wear to school dances, homecoming, winter ball and prom, for free, but plan to branch out to other

local high schools, along with the possibility of working with the International wives from the Army War College so they can attend Military Balls without too much expense. They have a variety of short and long dresses along with a variety of styles, patterns, and colors, with sizes ranging from XS to 1XL.
Jessica’s Closet is hoping to hold their first event at the end of March, and after that one before every school dance; the event would entail not just the dresses but jewelry and shoes being available as well. Some of Dickinson’s Delta Nu will be involved to aid students with the decisions of how they want to do their hair and makeup, with local businesses involved, like salons and makeup artists.
“We will also be asking for donations of gift certificates for some local salons and restaurants to be used before the dances,” said Carlton.
Jessica’s Closet also hopes to try and assist any student that is in need of suits, ties, or shoes for dances. Currently, they plan to do so with the merchandise they have on hand at C-Luv Thrift.
Contact C-Luv with any further questions on the Jessica’s Closet program at their email [email protected] or on their Instagram or Facebook.