Are we really late, or does school start a bit too early? (Editorial)
Being late is a common unintentional habit from students at CHS. Most of the students appearing in the ISS (in school suspension) room are innocent teenagers getting up a minute or too late.
According to the student handbook, it takes four unexcused tardies to get one detention or ISS.
A solution to this problem is to make school start later so that we aren’t dealing with so many students being late to school. Different high schools, like Shape America High School in Belgium, start at 9:00 a.m. They work sports around their schedule just fine without starting at 7:45 a.m.
Students that are assigned to OSS (out of school suspension) for being late to school already miss enough of class. Why would you make it harder for them to know what’s going on in class? It’s uncountable of how many people do cyber school instead of public school lately, because of getting so many punishments, just for being late to school.
Whenever students come into school, they need to check in with the office to let them know they’re there. When a student is on the verge of getting a punishment they don’t prefer, they come in with a forged note. It’s not fair to them for the school to put so much pressure on a student, threatening them with a detention or a suspension. This brings more and more forged notes to the office, which becomes a bad habit.
I do realize that one day in our lives we are going to have to work every day, and going to work late isn’t necessarily going to keep you working there for long. We have to work for at least 70 years of our lives, so why can’t the school start later and give us, students, a break in the beginning so we can come learn and not be worried about the detention after school?
A great amount of students take a bus to school because their parents go to work in the morning, or maybe they worked a night shift and can’t take them to school because they’re too tired. Either way, no matter what the reason is, it’s a good one.
Students who take a bus to school have to reach it at a certain time or else they’ll miss it. Once you miss the bus, you have to wait until your guardians decide to take you or you have to miss the whole school day. That’s a major problem with students, until they get their license of course.
Punishment on CHS students shouldn’t be so unreasonable, because once the principal writes another detention down; they should realize it’s not what the student wants. They just aren’t early morning people. We’re forced to come to school; it’s the law. The school should appreciate our time and effort into school, instead of worrying about how many times a student’s been late to school and wasting paper on those detention slips.
Related story: Crushed on time? Two quick and easy hairstyles for when you’re running late
Tell us what you think in the comments: Should students be penalized for missing that morning bell?
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Donna • Jan 11, 2017 at 9:16 am
Kids, school is meant to help you learn how to a responsible adult with character and the ability to reason.
Getting up on time in order to be on time is a skill you must acquire. There will always be excuses you can give for being late, but those excuses won’t work in most colleges and definitely won’t work for you when you are employed.
You are learning to become adults in high school; therefore, stop whining and start learning how to do that. You aren’t babies anymore and must start becoming used to getting up on time and leaving early enough to get to your job (school) on time. The pay you will receive for this job (if well done) is the chance to go to college. That is a privilege that must be earned.
Amber • Sep 26, 2016 at 4:20 pm
My bus leaves for school at 6:50 AM. I find that as crazy because in order to be up in time for breakfast and everything you have to roll out of bed at 6:00 latest. Many of my classmates and me included have trouble focusing especially during first period. Its making our grades suffer but parents are like what about the little kids? Well, little kids need 2 hours less sleep than teens and they can get to sleep earlier to. Why do schools continue to have early mornings when later starts have been proven to make significant improvements in schools! I find this as an unfair disadvantage to students who want to but cant to better due to silly rules. The average teen can only get to sleep at 12:00 midnight and therefor only get 6 hrs of sleep when they really need 9 hours. Also my friend who has to wake up at 5:30 can only get to sleep at 1:00 giving her 4 1/2 hours of sleep.
My other friend was late once and got a detention today too because she overslept and arrived 2 minutes to late. Also I don’t know of many jobs that make you wake up so early despite the evidence that early times decrease productivity. Also teens can’t get to sleep as early as adults and need more sleep but they have to wake up earlier. Now where is the logic in that.
Rachel Day • Oct 29, 2014 at 8:08 am
I think that there definitely needs to be a punishment. If there is no sort of consequence, people would be late even more than they already are. People need to learn how to manage their time because your future employer will not care if you got stuck in traffic.
Brooks Robinson • Nov 13, 2013 at 11:52 am
Being assigned detention for being late to school is one of CHS’s most frustrating policies. As a senior who has been driving himself to school since mid sophomore year I know how rediculious the policy is, I don’t have the ability to know if I will hit all the red lights green or get stopped at everyone, and with car shows the treck two miles from my house to Carlisle High School becomes even more unpredictable what takes me five minutes on a good day now takes 25. Furthermore the policy is a double standard, a bus of kids late due to traffic are unpenilized, where if I was stuck in the same traffic I would be considered tardy. CHS really should take into account safety as well it’s not safe (or legal or that matter) for me to be speding across town going 40 in a twentyfive especially now that Herd TV has been moved from the end of first period to the beginning as it adds another whole 10 minute window where students should be allowed to arrive to school without being penilized. Not to mention if you do arrive late (not that it would ever go this far) forging notes is technically a felony.