Teens Obsessing Over Getting ‘Turnt’ at a Young Age (Editorial)
Getting “turnt” is becoming an issue for teenagers.
December 14, 2013
All teenagers follow others in some way. Our society is brought to us by our surroundings.
Teens nowadays are getting out of hand with getting “turnt.” There’s a new party every weekend just to be “not sober.” What happened to being a happy teenager who looks more towards the next sports practice or doing anything else that’s considered fun?
Life is surrounded by alcohol and drugs. Every kid gets into something different or has their own opinion of it.
It’s becoming a problem and nobody’s doing anything about it. One day, somebody’s so against being anything but sober. Then the next week they have a new story of how high they got this weekend. It’s completely unfair to those who are trying to go through life safe and avoiding these bothersome subjects as much as possible.
You know how rare it is to find one person in this society who has been sober all their lives? Very!
Getting “turnt” may sound fun, but nobody thinks of the possibilities. Consider your nagging mom who tells you that you’re going to ruin your reputation doing these things. She may be annoying, and it may be hard to hear, but as hard as it is for me to say it myself, she’s right.
The generation is no longer 16 years young. We are trying too hard to be an adult, and even though we may see our parents drinking, or our peers smoking marijuana, it does not make it okay for us to do it as well.
Just the fact that teenagers made up the new slang, “turnt,” makes it very clear that it happens too often.
“#TooTurntTuesday” shows we don’t only go out as grown-ups on the weekends; we do it during the week too! We advertise what we do on the weekends often just by talking about it or offering it to others, and still nobody does anything to stop it.
Teenagers are very hard-headed at this age. We think the world’s ending and that there’s nothing better to do on our spare time. Its hits are going to get worse and we’re going to regret all of the young years we spent trying to be an adult.
Alec Di Ruzza • Jan 20, 2014 at 6:42 pm
While it seems that substance abuse and alcohol consumption are becoming more of a prevalent problem in today’s day-in-age, I would argue that teenagers from all era’s partook in some form of alcohol consumption or inappropriate behavior. I think that it has little to do with the fact that more people are getting “turnt,” and more to do with the fact that social media and pop culture are promoting such behaviors and are making peoples lives more exposed to the public eye. With that being said, I do believe that something is to be done about the way that social media casts a sense of peer pressure on teenagers in society.
Miranda Clash • Jan 14, 2014 at 7:53 pm
I would argue that “getting turnt” is more of a teenage thing than a grown-up thing. Although I personally don’t agree with substance use, I think that the teenage years are the time to explore. Partying every weekend is really excessive and dangerous, but I think it is better to try alcohol and realize it’s consequences now than it is when we have jobs to attend and a family to support. The reality is that there is not much anyone can do to stop teens from using drugs and alcohol–for the most part, you can only control yourself. There are proven dangers to substance use, but no amount of lecturing is going to change a teenager’a mind if they are determined to do something. Instead, maybe parents, teachers, and society as whole should expect this behavior and present safer ways of participation, such as offering rides home from parties to minimize drunk driving. Allowing teenagers learn for themselves is the most effective way of teaching.
Alexis Jefferson • Jan 6, 2014 at 6:03 pm
The article says that there are more teens getting “turnt” than ever before but I don’t think that’s the case. I just think it is more public nowadays than it use to be. Pop culture is much more accepting than it use to be with teen partying. It may be due to a loss of morale.