Reality TV could be hurting our behavior (Editorial)
How do we limit the influence of reality tv shows in our lives?
February 13, 2014
Reality television programs are some of the most-watched shows, especially among young adults. It is fun to watch mindless TV, especially to see the crazy life of a celebrity. But could the shows we watch be detrimental to our behavior in real life?
Teens and young adults are influenced by the things we expose ourselves to, no matter the source or how it’s conveyed. Even if we do not realize it, exposure to certain actions, such as drinking, promiscuity, and spending large amounts of money, desensitizes us to the wrongs of these behaviors.
According to, some of the most popular shows of last year include Keeping up With the Kardashians and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The stars of these shows are often involved in drama, sex, partying and have carefree, materialistic attitudes. The encouragement of these behaviors is enforced by the lack of usual punishments or problems that would arise for someone without the star status or money of these celebrities.
Another problem with this is that it is not just the shows anymore. Episodes of each season can be streamed at a time, upping our exposure. The celebrities are as much a part of our lives as we let them be, thanks to Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets.
While reality TV can hurt us, and influence our actions, everything is can be good in moderation. It’s up to the viewer to determine when it’s time to turn it off, and what exactly they want to be shown.
Alec Di Ruzza • Mar 31, 2014 at 11:20 pm
I think the problem with reality TV is just what its name falsely advertises–its not reality. Much of what the celebrities and people of reality TV are directed and scripted, if not leaving out scenes that would make it less scandalous. While hollywood is trying to captivate its audience with the excessive amounts of drama, sadly many reality tv viewers are unaware of its influence on their actions. Great article!