Senioritis is real!
Senior Garrett Albert has been bitten by the senioritis bug and has no motivation to do class work anymore.
It’s the end of the year and most of us are feeling it. We are tired, bored, and ready to leave to go on summer vacations. If you’re a senior, you’re ready to graduate.
Why are we so ready to quit before the school year is over? The answer is senioritis, which is easy to catch and much harder to cure.
What is senioritis, though? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, senioritis is “an ebbing of motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades.”
In other words, senioritis is when a student loses their desire to try as hard as they did in their previous years of schooling. It’s said that the cause of senioritis is due to boredom, fear of change, peer pressure, and/or lack of purpose.
No one is safe from senioritis. Though many seniors have claimed that only a senior can experience senioritis, I beg to differ. I think senioritis can take root earlier on, but it only really gets bad during senior year.
Senioritis has no prejudice and will infect anyone and everyone including the straight A, all-star students.
Several seniors at CHS have fallen victim to senioritis.
Luke Bateman said, “[Senioritis has] really made academics difficult for me.”
Ella Farmer said senioritis has impacted her life by “greatly obstructing my willingness to learn.”
Garrett Albert said, “Senioritis has caused my grades to drop and I don’t really care. “
So how do we combat this debilitating disease?
According to CollegeBoard, in order for students, seniors especially, to avoid succumbing to this horrible ailment, “students need to remain excited, active and focused throughout their senior year.” No poll selected
CollegeBoard suggests that students keep busy with course work and maintain a career-focused job to fight of the urge to slack off and give up prematurely.
National Association for College Admission Counseling suggests that seniors plan ahead and keep themselves busy. They also suggest that seniors have fun. Don’t stress yourselves out; you’ve made it this far, have fun and finish with a flourish!
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Chenta Shirley is a senior at Carlisle High School and this is her second year on the periscope staff. She plans on graduating in the spring of 2015 and...
Selma Siekert • Jan 20, 2015 at 10:23 am
Wow! Great article! Senioritis is real and very much alive! Long live the beast of “bad” grades and a fun year!!!
avery morrow • May 8, 2014 at 9:41 am
i didnt learn about this std in health class
Ashely • Apr 29, 2014 at 2:18 pm
Great article!
Megan Habeck • Apr 25, 2014 at 2:28 pm
Senioritis is a real thing and I think even some teachers are feeling it! In some of my classes it feels like we’re just doing busy work to finish off the year- not that I’m complaining. Doing anything other than talk to my friends and try to have fun the last few weeks of my high school years feels so much more important than grades, which makes sitting down and doing work a huge struggle. I’m counting down the days to graduation!