The cash crop of America (Editorial)
Could the American economy improve if we legalized the growing and use of marijuana?
Cannabis could be known as America’s cash crop. From medical and recreational, the United States could make more money if marijuana was legalized.
Colorado and Washington are great examples of this, as they have recently legalized recreational and medical marijuana. states that Colorado made 30 million dollars from marijuana taxes from Jan 1 to June 30.
In Washington, CBS Seattle says that “marijuana [is set] to boost Washington state tax revenue by $25 million in the next year… with an estimated $200 million increase by mid-2017.” They are also expected to bring in about $636 million through the middle of 2019. says that “states like Alaska, Florida, Oregon, and Washington D.C. could make a combined 3 billion in marijuana tax revenue if they legalize the drug on Nov 4.” It is projected that if California legalizes recreational marijuana the state stands to take in $519,287,052. Harvard University economist Jeffrey Miron claims that the marijuana markets is estimated at $14 billion.
If the drug were legalized, society would have less of the need for law enforcement. Marion estimates a savings of $7.7 billion annually nationwide on law enforcement.
Jobs could be added too. says that the marijuana industry has already created over 175,000 jobs. That is just the beginning; this number would go up as more states legalize the stimulant.
If money and jobs seem to be one of America’s main problems, why not work towards fixing it?
Disclaimer: Articles designated as “Editorial” represent the views and opinions of the author, not the 2014-2015 Periscope staff, CHS Administration or the CHS student body.
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Terrell Brown is an excited member of Periscope and is a junior. He hopes to benefit Periscope as a Sports Editor and an occasional A&E writer. ...
Gretal Shank • Dec 10, 2017 at 12:27 am
So money is more important than people…
Catherine Bloom. • Dec 29, 2014 at 9:49 pm
What about the current 2.2 million Americans whose income depends upon the ILLEGAL distribution of cannabis? What happens to the small town drug dealers when corporate America takes over? Does the impending doom of further capitalization and greedy corporate consumerism worry ANY of you???????????????????? Just some food for thought.
Lucy Tesman • Oct 31, 2014 at 11:03 am
I agree with this article completely. The support you use to show that marijuana could help with economy really helps to prove your point! this is a very good article.
Scott Bowser • Oct 31, 2014 at 10:53 am
This is a great article that was very well written. It is time to end the War on Drugs and let people do what they want with their lives.
Madelynne Staley • Oct 31, 2014 at 8:45 am
This was a very fascinating article. I think that too many people assume that those who want marijuana to be legalized just want to do drugs and not face any consequences. This article proves that this is not the case, as cannabis does have potential medical and economic benefits. This is an issue that I still feel very torn about, but this gave some great insight as to why legalization may not be such a bad idea. Great job!
Derrick Coleman • Oct 29, 2014 at 9:31 am
I agree with your stance on the legalization of marijuana. The U.S. could substantially benefit from the income of this plant. It’s pleasing to see that jobs are being created in America because of the new legalization. Both sides of the controversy would need to be in play, of course, but the benefits seem like there can be a positive outlook!
Jeb Eslinger • Oct 29, 2014 at 9:28 am
Yes Terrell, I agree 100 percent. The U.S would make so much more money if they simply just legalized marijuana, medically and recreationally. Less people will end up with their lives ruined just because of doing something that involves a plant. It used to be legal and we can use it for more than just that. We can use Cannabis based items for fuel and save our resources. It is a plant so we can constantly grow it and never run out. You can also turn cannabis into paper and therefore save the trees. People need to get educated and do some research so that we can save our planet.
George Gilbert • Oct 28, 2014 at 1:49 pm
I agree with your article, Terrell. Many people just consider their personal feelings toward marijuana when debating its legalization instead of its economical benefits. Much money could be made by the government by taxing marijuana, and it would make it safer. As it is illegal, marijuana is not regulated, but if it was sold in stores, it would have to be.
Colton Sweeney • Oct 28, 2014 at 11:00 am
I definitely agree, it would be very beneficial. The only problem is it could be laced with harmful things. But as a solution the government could distribute it and also make a profit from it.
Josh Hageman • Oct 28, 2014 at 10:56 am
I agree because it brings in more money to the economy and the people who already use this are still going to use marijuana. The people who don’t use it aren’t going to use it even if its legalized so therefore legalizing it just makes less people in trouble for it.
Kenleigh Peet • Oct 27, 2014 at 9:35 am
Very interesting article! I understand that this is a very controversial topic but it really shouldn’t be. Too often and for too many topics we use our emotions and beliefs to judge and create opinions on different topics. instead we should look at and understand facts from multiple sides of the topic.
Michaela McQuaig • Oct 24, 2014 at 10:31 am
An interesting point is presented here, but the thing I struggle with is that it was once illegal. Things are not illegal for no reason, despite the benefits. The article does make a strongly convincing argument for the widespread legalization of it though. The cost and jobs point is interesting, as it does seem like it would help our country. It would be interesting to wait at least another year or two just to see any unforeseen problems that pop up with the legalization of marijuana.
Spencer Kendall • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:49 am
I think that the country would benefit greatly by leagalizing and taxing marijuana. it would have less people put in prison for possession and more jobs being created
joe rodriguez • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:25 am
I think this argument is a great one that you put up Terrell. A lot of people might feel that Marijuana is wanted to be legalized due to people who abuse it. Though at the same time like you said its creating a actually stand towards the economic problems we have and can help us with the money issue in our country. So I feel that at the same time people feel that we only look at the side that claims it should be because its a substance that people enjoy they should look at it as a substance that can actually help economically, health wise, and be world wide.
james schwartz • Oct 21, 2014 at 7:59 pm
Terell you make an interesting argument for the legalization of marijuana. I also would recommend if you have the free time to look at the costs of the war on drugs and it’s effects in American society. Marijuana does horrible things for the average American citizen when it comes to paying taxes for this war that has been lost a long time ago as well as the overcrowding of prisons because of this war. The war on drugs has virtually no effect on stopping the drugs from coming into this country and it cant keep it out in no way shape or form. Instead of fighting it we need to understand that drug use is never going to go away and instead make it safer for drug users by lessoning the punishment for possessing said marijuana. I support your outlook on what Marijuana can do for this country and praise you for trying to educate our youth about it.
Rachel Day • Oct 8, 2014 at 11:36 am
This is an interesting article. I think that most people don’t think about the economic benefits of legalizing marijuana, but they have the possibility of being substantial.