R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Is it gone? (Editorial)
Remember when respecting your elders was expected no matter what the circumstance?
Now, it seems as if teenagers don’t care about their actions or word choices. Some students say and do whatever comes to mind; there is no time to think before speaking.
On Twitter, sophomore Avian Evans, tweeted, “I hate how people take advantage of substitute teachers.” When I talked to her about the tweet, she expressed that some students act immaturely when a substitute is in the class.
I also have seen this many times in my classes. People lie about where they sit, who they are, or about the work they are to do, which is assigned in the notes the teacher left for the sub. So how does this make any sense?
Not only does this make our school look bad, but it also shows the substitutes we don’t care. The subs put time into coming and helping us out when our actual teachers cannot be there.
It’s unacceptable.
I think times are changing quickly, which is also changing the viewpoints many people have on respect.
Teenagers don’t see a problem with their actions, because either parents or teachers aren’t stepping up to say anything. They don’t see a negative side towards their actions.
Some people say they see it as “walking all over” their adult figures.
But there are some teachers within the school trying to make a stop to this behavior.
For example, social studies teacher Megan Keller, who is in her second year of teaching, expressed her idea on students being late or using the bathroom during her class by making a point system at the beginning of the year and just writing more and more kids up.
Eventually the excuses don’t save you.
Some of the students are complaining about being written up on a weekly basis, but Ms. Keller and other teachers have a right. Class time is limited and shouldn’t be wasted because you aren’t done having a conversation with your pals.
You earn the respect of others by the way you respect and treat them.
We tend to lack attention paid in class this year, because of the new laptops and phones being allowed to be used. Students sit on their phones in class using social media or texting their buddies.
Yes, having the access is great, but there comes a time when teachers should have all of our attention. They aren’t there just for show; they are there to teach us.
One day we teens will be adults and will realize just how disrespectful some of our actions were.
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Haliey West is new to Periscope this year. She is writing in the student life section. She is a senior this year and can not wait to start the next chapter...
Destiny Billot • May 26, 2015 at 10:51 am
I totally agree. I hate when students are rude to the subs, I personally love subs and just respecting your elders is the right thing to do. Great story and good reality check.
Jamie Miller • Apr 7, 2015 at 8:25 am
I think some teenagers have lost respect for their elders, but I don’t think it is fair to lump us all together. Also, social media has become our way of communication and self-expression so when we want to say anything, whether it be a positive or negative comment, we like to turn to facebook, twitter, or even turning it into a caption on instagram. Times are changing and with that social interactions are changing. I’m not saying that it is okay to be disrespectful, but it also isn’t okay to lump everybody together saying that all teens are disrespectful all the time.
Keyarrha Carter • Apr 7, 2015 at 8:19 am
I disagree, I believe teachers still get all the respect they deserve. Yes, there are many distractions now a days such as phones, laptops, and students at time take advantage. Although, when asked to put their phone away or pay attention in class from my experience students do it with no problem and get focused. I still believe teachers have all the higher authority and students show all the respect, because if not students know there is consequences to pay and that also plays a role.
Rachel Day • Mar 12, 2015 at 11:57 am
I agree. I have seen this same things myself. Students will tell the sub that they are allowed to do something that they are not normally allowed to do, but the sub doesn’t know any better. I think parents need to do a better job of teaching their kids respect. The lack of respect that students have for teachers ends up being a real problem for everyone in the class.
Julia Vichnevetsky • Feb 26, 2015 at 11:14 am
I definitely agree with this article. It is not easy for someone to walk into a room to watch a group of students they have never seen before, and when students are disrespectful, it just makes their job harder. As far as respecting our elders, elderly people have been alive much longer than teenagers and therefore have much more experience and knowledge. They can teach us so much, and they deserve our respect.
Brooklynn Ashby • Feb 9, 2015 at 4:31 pm
I LOVE this article! Very well written. Teachers are not treated with the respect they most certainly deserve.
Great job Haliey!!
Kayla Hallman • Feb 4, 2015 at 12:40 pm
I totally agree with this article. It amazes me how rude some people can be to others, especially adults. I am all for teenagers standing up for themselves and adding their thoughts to society but there still needs to be an element of respect. I think we as teens need to stop taking advantage of our elders and really start listening to what they have to teach us, both in the classroom and out of it.
Cassie Hageman • Feb 3, 2015 at 10:31 am
I agree with this article. Our generation has lost respect for adults completely. I don’t think social media has helped with this. I constantly see tweets complaining about teachers, substitutes, and principals. In some cases it has gotten students into a lot of trouble too. They don’t realize that what they say on the internet is accessible and that the same people they are tweeting about can see it. What is even more disappointing is that most don’t even care.
Taylor Killinger • Feb 3, 2015 at 9:30 am
This is wonderfully written article that I agree fully. I do not think that the great teachers we have today get the respect that they deserve. Most students are disrespectful and do not have a care in the world because they were raised getting away with things that they should not get away with. I think that the point system idea is great idea for some teachers to use and there are many other ways to keep children from “misbehaving”.
Sydney Ritchie • Jan 30, 2015 at 7:58 am
I completely agree. Teachers nowadays do not get the respect that they deserve. Good Article!