Pep Rallies: a disputed idea (Editorial)
How do you feel about pep rallies?
I have two words: pep rallies. Some people cringe at the idea of them, some freak out and get excited. All in all they draw strong feelings, good or bad.
Personally I like them. They have a good vibe and they get you out of class–who wouldn’t like that? Apparently a lot of people disagree, and I was curious as to why they would.
So I asked some friends how they felt. The response was about half and half. I asked what’s so bad about pep rallies and the main reasons were that it’s too crowded, they’re loud/annoying and it’s hot. Well I took what they said into consideration and asked them this: “Well what if they were held outside or in the stadium?” They all quickly agreed that it would be better if the school did that.
So maybe the school should take their own students into consideration when planning pep rallies. If they held it outside like in the stadium or in the greens in front of McGowan, we would be more likely to enjoy it. In a gym the noise is trapped and everyone is bumping into each other and trying to keep track of their stuff.
On the other hand, if the school held it outside, students could hear themselves think and move around. I think it would be more interactive, but of course you do have to take everyone’s position into consideration. By that I mean if we did hold it outside, there would have to be a way to make sure everyone can see what’s going on. There’s probably a way to fix that problem.
Anyway, this proposition is a long shot with all the rules and insurance issues and such things, but I think it would be pretty sweet if the school could hold a bonfire. They’re fun and keep people hyped, and would create a closer bond as one school. That’s what pep rallies are all about, right? Creating an atmosphere for students to feel connected with one another, so we feel unification? And with this feeling of unification we energize the football team and give them a “we’re invincible” vibe.
Maybe in the future the school will take some of the students’ ideas into consideration. After all it is supposed to be about us coming together as a whole. Pep rallies are for everyone and therefore should be the product of everyone.
Disclaimer: Articles designated as “Editorial” represent the views and opinions of the author, not the 2015-2016 Periscope staff, CHS Administration, or the CHS student body.
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This is Sheyenne, a first year member of Periscope. She is working in Perspectives as a writer and editor. With many leadership qualities her time in...
Gretal Shank • Dec 10, 2017 at 12:04 am
I am not too fond of pep rallies because I don’t see why the football team should get so much appreciation compared to our other less acknowledged sports. Does Cross Country get a thousand students jumping up and down and cheering for them. Does Soccer get a band playing for them? No. Why? Why is football so important? That is the problem I have with pep rallies. The hype with football would be okay if the other sports had hype as well. Many girls want to date a football player and many guys want to date a cheerleader. What is wrong with a girlfriend who is a runner or a boyfriend who is a Soccer player? Nothing. So stop the hype or change the type!
MacKenzie Stine • Oct 28, 2015 at 10:10 am
I think the pep rallies are a great way to produce student spirit and involvement but I can see and sympathize with the drawbacks you have presented. However, I think tradition and convenience play a big role in why they are the way they are. I think that adds to the excitement.
Emma Bateman • Oct 26, 2015 at 9:42 pm
I always see students going to bonfires in high school movies, and I think it sounds like a really cool way for students to stay safe and spend time with each other. It could also allow organizations at school to have fundraisers and sell food, which would be neat. I think having the pep rally outside might not be quite as much fun because people might be more distracted, but it would make for more space for activities and help students who don’t like the cramped setting but don’t want to miss out on the pep rally.
Amina • Oct 26, 2015 at 1:47 pm
A bonfire would be so cool and different! I think we do not keep the pep rally outside just because of the noise level. It might interfere with neighborhoods surrounding campus, especially when we all cheer as a school. A bonfire in the evening would be optional, allowing students who do not want to show their school pride have the option whether to come or not. It would be a cool change.
Charles Willis • Oct 25, 2015 at 9:57 pm
I personally enjoy pep rallies for they are an exciting change in our normal school routine and encourage schools spirit and unity. Having a pep rally outdoors does seem to be a fun idea. However I can see from a CHS staff member’s perspective on how it can be a difficult task to control the whole student population outdoors and maintain security. In addition I feel that students should choose whether they want to attend a pep rally or not. The worst thing a person wants to do is have “mandatory fun”.
Gabriela Menendez • Oct 23, 2015 at 6:04 pm
I think a bonfire is a great idea! It has all the unity of a pep rally without all the noise, and there is a higher likely hood or smores!! A bonfire would allow a higher level of intimacy among the student body, allowing kids to interact outside of school, with kids they might not have or didn’t have classes with.
Mary Smith • Oct 23, 2015 at 1:29 pm
I think having the pep rally in the stadium would be really cool. It might be hard since it’s so open and it’s easy to get distracted, but then we’d really by hyped about the football game that’s going to take place in the same spot. I love pep rallies, so I woul want to see them stay at the school as long as possible.
Alexa Mengenhauser • Oct 23, 2015 at 11:18 am
I love the idea of a bonfire because I think it’s super important to give students time to interact with their class outside of the classroom. I think pep rallies can be really fun for people who are very outgoing, but someone who doesn’t enjoy the noise and commotion might feel left out. A bonfire would be a great way to gather students in a more relaxed and fun environment.
Sarah Frick • Oct 21, 2015 at 12:28 pm
Pep rally’s are a time to bring the school together as one body and be an exciting experience for the students. While it may reduce the noise moving the events outside it may also reduce the spirit and enthusiasm for them. Overall though it’s an interesting idea that is worth a shot trying out!
Megan L • Oct 13, 2015 at 12:38 pm
I think that a bonfire would be an awesome idea! Everybody loves bonfires and it does unify the school which is what it’s about. If people don’t really like it to be too crowded there is a lot of space to move around and talk so that everybody is comfortable rather than squished together with people they may not even know. Great ideas!