Sacrificing Summer: Worth It? (Editorial)
More stories from Harry A. Wendelken
While we all love summer, wouldn’t it be great to have a longer break right now?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Sure, it’s 65 degrees, and anyone searching would be sorely dissapointed to find nary a chestnut roasting on an open fire, but nonetheless we are only days away from Christmas and even earlier, the start of vacation!
Exciting as these dwindling hours may be, they are cause for pause, when you realize that there are a scant three days between vacation and the actual holiday which so many of us celebrate, Christmas. It feels unnatural, especially when you consider that the 22nd of December is not a Friday or something, thus making it a natural end to the school week; it’s a Tuesday.
Why can’t we get just two days more off? A buffer period would be useful. In addition to making the winter break end on the more chronologically pleasing Friday on the 18th of December, it would provide in an invaluable buffer, allowing people to get out of the school mindset, and get into the Holiday spirit, help their family to prepare for the coming festivities, or get on the road to meet friends and family in other states.
The reason that people will give for why the vacation must begin so late as compared to the date of Christmas is because we have to make a sacrifice of days when it comes to our mid-year vacation in order to keep summer vacation long. But is that really better from a student standpoint or, more importantly, prudent from a grade perspective?
The answer would seem to be a resounding “no.” It is an oft-discussed phenomenan how students lose a massive amount of knowledge over the three long months of summer vacation. With so long away, people can forget exactly what they learned in school.
Cutting down on summer may seem like a hefty price, but if the reward is more rewarding yet shorter breaks and better academics, I would say it is well worth it.
Disclaimer: Articles designated as “Editorial” represent the views and opinions of the author, not the 2015-2016 Periscope staff, CHS Administration, or the CHS student body.
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Harry Wendelken is a 16 year old child. This is his profile you are reading. He's a journalist of some sort on the school news paper, mainly Periscope....
Charles Willis • Jan 14, 2016 at 6:49 pm
I honestly do not mind going to school for only two days before break. The question on whether the two extra days depends on who you are asking. I can see how the extra two days of school so close to Christmas would be an inconvenience for those who have to travel to see family. Yet, those two extra days may be essential to have for students who want to raise their grades before the start of break; the extra days give time for students to make up assignments or turn them in late for credit. I don’t complain because limiting our winter break only expands our summer vacation.
Emma Bateman • Jan 14, 2016 at 8:31 am
I’m not sure how I feel about having those two days of school, but I think that Blaine brings up a good point about going home to family. A lot of students need to do this because they don’t get to see their family much, or they just skip school because it is only two days.
Blaine B • Jan 5, 2016 at 1:33 pm
As a student whose parents live out of state, it would have been nice to have had an extra two days to spend with my family that wouldn’t count as absences at school. My parents knew I was missing my sisters (and my dog Sophie) and went ahead and booked my flight home. I unapologetically missed two days of school the week before Christmas. On those days you would have found me snuggled up on the sofa with my dachshund and laughing with my sisters Madison and Barrie. It may seem like two days are not a big deal, but for someone who is over 1250 miles from home it makes a world of difference to be able to put the faces and voices together with actually hugs.
Sarah Frick • Dec 22, 2015 at 8:48 pm
These last few days can also be seen as a last chance to say some last goodbyes before the long break and a chance to finalize and turn in the work that students have been working on. It’s worth it for a little bit more of the much needed long summer break between the spring and fall semesters.
Madi Clepper • Dec 22, 2015 at 10:20 am
Even though it kind of sucks that we have only 2 days this weeks, I think that having these two days is reasonable so we have a longer summer break. It gives us a chance to catch up on some more school work instead of being lazy the Friday that we could have off.