Swimmers plan to dive in for a good season

This year’s team looks to recover from losses due to graduation and hopes to send several swimmers to Mid-Penns.
November 1, 2013
As the temperature drops outside, the swimming lanes are heating up for Carlisle swimmers.
In his second year as head coach, Jason Griffith hopes to send more swimmers to Mid-Penns this year and even some to the district tournament as well. Being in a competitive league, the swim team will be challenged by many teams.
On the girls’ side, the team will have more depth with some returning upperclassmen balanced out with a larger group of young swimmers.
With no substantial loss last year, Griffith anticipates the girls will “double their wins” this season.
Returning member that qualified for Mid-Penns are senior Charlotte Hammer, sophomore Caitlyn Padgett, and sophomore Maggie Brehm.
Junior swimmer Sarah French sees a key change to this season in regards to teamwork.
“We have bonded more from last year, we all know each other better and [because of that] our faster girls will encourage other girls to do better,” said French.
Having lost many swimmers through graduation, the boys team is challenged to “fill those holes… to be as competitive as last year,” said Griffith.
The boys hope to follow the girls in gaining depth to strengthen their team results.
“We will be counting on a lot of good swimmers moving up to take [the graduated seniors] place,” said senior Alan Hanks.
Returning Mid-Penn qualifiers for the boys are senior Sam DeAngelo, junior Noah Chirico, sophomore Dan Madio, and senior Johnnie Waters.
Individuals from both teams have spent their offseason training in “other CHS fall sports, marching band, and practicing at the YMCA,” said Griffith.
Hanks joined the cross country team to “build cardio and endurance” to prepare for this season. Others were involved in various lifting and strength programs.
“Regardless of our win-loss record, the beauty of competitive swimming is that we will see a lot of individual improvement this season,” said Griffith.
Sam DeAngelo • Nov 17, 2013 at 1:22 pm
This year could be THE year. I mean, with so much senior talent coming from Alan Hanks and Johnnie Waters we could honestly win states. If nothing else, in the wise words of the great Jon McMullin, “at least we will have bigger traps than them.” All we need to do is work hard and hit the gym. Swimming is simply a byproduct.
Alan Hanks • Nov 18, 2013 at 11:21 am
I think we should folow in the wise footsteps of the mark sexton and drink protein shakes after every practice and meet.
Sam DeAngelo • Nov 18, 2013 at 9:14 pm
Yes, and I will take the Gary Shank suggestion and indulge in chocolate milk after every practice…It’s a very simple equation: chocolate milk+pull ups+(maybe some swimming)=great season.
Zack Loudon • Nov 4, 2013 at 9:43 pm
I believe that this is the year that the CHS swim team could have a breeak out season. Several of my close friends are members of the swim team, and they are all very excited about the upcoming season. The CHS swim team has several very strong swimmers, who are looking forward to competiting in the MIDD PENN tourtament at the end of the season as well.