April Athlete of the Month: Rene Morrow

Hannah Westbrook

Rene Morrow is our Athlete of the Month for April.

Rene Morrow, Senior

Varsity lacrosse

Q1: How long have you been playing?

A1:  Six years.

Q2:  How do you display leadership on and off the field?

A2:  I think it’s important to be serious and supportive to show the girls that I’m dedicated. Setting the tone for a practice or game is a vital part of it because it determines how we will do. It’s easy to be a leader with a group of great girls who listen and incorporate ideas well. I also have to do my best to balance schoolwork, sports, a job, and friends Being a leader on the field means that you have to be one off the field too, and a big part of that is having the girls’ backs off the field as well.

Q3:  What are a few goals for this season?

A3:  My goals for this season are to go out my senior year with my teammates and have our best season yet. We want to beat our previous record and to get a good seed in districts; [these] are definitely our biggest aspirations. I want to enjoy my last high school season and for us to play with as much heart and hustle. There isn’t any time to leave regret on the field this season.

Q4:  What is your role on the team?

A4:  Being a motivator is something I have always enjoyed doing. I set my expectations really high and we’ve always met those expectations. They know I’m always going to be right there pushing them to limits and having that last word of advice or encouragement. They all know I’m serious when I need to be, but I also can joke, which separates from being serious during play. I’ve always put the extra work in for my sports and school, and I hope they recognize that and go the extra mile themselves because it pays off.