May Athlete of the Month: Isa Paschall
Track captain Isa Paschall competes for numerous events for the Herd. He has signed with UNC, following CHS alum Jeff Lebo.
Isa Paschall
senior, Track and Field
Team captain, state tournament qualifier, UNC recruit
Q1: Name the events you do in high school and your personal records for each.
Triple Jump- 49.10ft, Long Jump- 22.8ft, High Jump- 6’4, 100m- 11.00sec, 200m- 22.56sec.
Q2: What attracted you to UNC? What made them better than your other offers?
A2: I narrowed my list down to three schools; that was very difficult to decide. The visitation made the most impression on me. Also I had to imagine my life without being involved in track & field and where I would feel the most comfortable without that. UNC just so happened to be the place I felt like I fit in the most.
Q3: What are you wanting to major in while at school?
A3: Information Science. Storing, and/or retrieving scientific or technical information.
Q4: Are you doing more than one event in school?
A4: Triple Jump, Long Jump, and 4×100 is all that I know of. There are a lot of possibilities for me to do multiple events at once.
Q5: If you could give advice to an underclassmen about pursuing dreams, what would you say?
A5: Never doubt yourself, and do not let other people’s negativity affect you. I know it is hard to ignore words from others, but you can do it. No one can stop you from doing anything but yourself. You let the words get you down; it’s your choice. Also don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is a part of success; anyone who says they never failed is not at the top. When things seem to be so bad and you feel like everything is rock bottom, don’t quit because you’re closer to the most success you have ever experienced.
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Bryanna Youtzy is a senior this year and has been on the Periscope staff for two years now! This is not the only thing she does, however. She participates...
Connor O'Hagan • May 28, 2015 at 9:09 am
One of the most athletic people in this school. I am really happy for him and his achievements. he will go far with such a humble personality, anything is possible for Paschall
Brandin • May 26, 2015 at 12:57 pm
Isa is a great athlete and totally deserves the athlete of the month. I have been on the track team with him and can see his leadership abilities and wish him well with whatever he does with his future.
Charles henry • May 24, 2015 at 1:13 pm
I wanted to say congratulations to my cousin!
Jessica Brumbach • May 21, 2015 at 12:29 pm
Isa is an amazing athlete and I’m sure he will do awesome at UNC. I bet we will be hearing his name in sports news!