Summer shape: try these exercises for easy toning
Last minute exercises that can help you get your summer look, focusing on abs, arms, and legs.
May 31, 2016
Stressed about reaching your summer look with only a few weeks left? There are a couple things that you can do to quickly get into shape:
If you are trying to tone down your stomach, here’s a few things to help you out. Two classic workouts that people still use today are the Leg Lift and the Russian Twist.
For the Leg Lift, you work the middle of your stomach. Lay your back flatly on the ground with your hands to your side. To start, lift your legs of the ground about 6 inches and keep them leveled. Slowly lift your legs to around 90 degrees and back down again stopping 6 inches off the ground. Repeat that as many times desired. Recommended amount is 3 sets of 10 or, do 30 leg lifts included with a 10 second break between tens.
The Russian Twist is an exercise that works the side parts of your stomach. First, sit on a flat ground and hover your legs balancing your butt on the ground. Bring your hands close to your stomach, rotate to the left and let your hands touch the ground. Now, move your hands from the left and rotate all the way to the right and touch the floor. This is counted as one Russian Twist. Repeat that as many times desired. Recommended amount is 3 sets of 10 or, do 30 Russian Twists included with a ten second break in between tens.
A few exercises to help tone your waist down for summer weather are trusty squats and lunges. Both exercises work your legs and butt.
The squat is a super simple workout. Start standing, with your legs about shoulder-width apart. Squat down like you’re sitting in a chair and bring yourself back up. This is considered as one squat. Repeat that as many times desired. Recommended amount is 3 sets of 10 or do 30 squats with a 10 second break in between tens.
Lunges, another super simple workout. Start with your feet together and step forward with your left leg. Squat down until your right knee touches the ground. Stand back up and bring your left foot back to you side. Reverse that for your right leg. Doing both left and right is considered one lunge. Repeat that as many times desired. Recommended amount is 3 sets of 10 or, do 30 lunges included with a 10 second break in between tens.
The one exercise that will never steer you wrong when trying to tone up those biceps is the push-up.
The push-up, lay flat on the floor, stomach down. Place your arms a comfortable length away parallel to your shoulder. Keep your feet together and your back straight. To begin a push-up push off the ground till your arms are straight. Then, bend you arms 90 degrees or until your chest hits the ground and push back up till your arms are straight. This is considered one push-up. Repeat that as many times desired. Recommended amount is 3 sets of 10 or do 30 push-ups included with a 10 second break in between tens.
If you put the effort into it ,these few exercises could help you make that last step to the summer look you want. Remember that the workout out is only half of it. Eating healthy is a big part in staying in shape and staying healthy overall.
Disclaimer: These ideas are recommended by a high school student (based on research), not a medical professional. Please consult a doctor before starting any exercise regime.