AOTM: Lanie Lissner
Lanie Lissner defends her opponent.
May 18, 2017
The Girls Lacrosse team is full of upperclassmen leadership from juniors and seniors. However, Sophomore Lanie Lissner played a major role in their recent success over the season. Lissner will be competing with her team in the District Playoffs, and recently we got to catch up with her.
Q1: How long have you been participating in lacrosse and field hockey?
A1: I’ve been playing lacrosse since seventh grade and field hockey since maybe second or third.
Q2: What is it like to participate in multiple sports?
A2: It’s really fun. I like it because it keeps me in shape but it can be very stressful with little off time.
Q3: What is it like to be one of the youngest on the varsity team?
A3: I think being one of the youngest on the varsity team is cool, because although it can be intimidating at times, I get to learn a lot from the older girls.
Q4: Who is your biggest inspiration/what motivates you the most?
A4: My mom motivates me the most because she is the most amazing person in the world and loves to see me succeed. She drives from New Jersey just to watch my games so I like doing well for her.
Q5: What do you like most about the sports you play?
A5: I really like that they’re competitive and a lot can happen in a short amount of time. I also like how you have to learn to work as a team.
Q6: What is it like to qualify for the District Playoffs?
A6: It was such a great feeling when we qualified and I was so proud of the all the girls because I knew we all played really hard all season to get there.