Fall Sports Recap: Debriefing the Season

The Carlisle fall sports teams started practicing through the heat and humidity of summer, and now as the days get cooler, their seasons have come to a close. Periscope staffers Izzy Berriman and Sunderlyn Griffie asked a handful of players to recap their team’s season, similarities shine through in their leadership, positive mindsets, and support for their teammates.

Junior Levi Smith comments, recapping the boys’ soccer season, “After a rocky start to the season and switching some things around, the team was able to come back with some wins and achieved our goal of making districts. Even though we came up short, losing a thriller to the number one seed, the team came a long way and put up a good fight. This year was a great bounce back after losing the opportunity to advance to districts last season.”
With a record of 5-10-2, it was a bumpy road to get to districts, and they put up a hard fight, despite the outcome of the game. They faced Warwick Senior High School and lost 2-1, the opposing team winning the game in the last 50 seconds.

Under new leadership, the team had to rely on working together and staying focused. Freshman Josh Smith gives his insight on how the football team did overall; their record being 1-8, “This past season was an amazing learning experience for me and helped me grow as a player. Although there were some rough times, I feel like the new coaching staff has set us up in the right positions for next year.”
The team had some close wins but couldn’t seal the deal. The biggest highlight of the season was winning their first game against Mechanicsburg 35-28.
“This season taught me discipline, character, responsibility, and determination.” Smith reflects.

Last year was difficult for the girls’ volleyball team, consisting of many hiccups and losses, and this season’s record, 3-13, was a small improvement in comparison to last, but the ladies hope that by next year they will be able to fully bounce back.
Junior, Molly Renninger, describes the season as “a huge steppingstone” and noted “a big culture shift in the way we played with each other this past season compared to previous ones.”
The girls had a losing record, but their hard work at practices did not go unnoticed. Renninger is looking forward to another season, “excited to see that trend continue”.

“Carlisle field hockey had a great season, growing our team with a huge freshman class and new coaching staff.” Senior Cassidy Dillon mentions her perspective as a team captain.
Field hockey had a tight season, with a record of 8-10. They were able to focus on rebuilding their team, after a considerable number of lowerclassmen moved up to play varsity. They made their second postseason appearance at districts within the past two years, and Dillon admits that she is “proud of how we played all season.”
Unfortunately, they lost 0-7 after the first round to Penn Manor, but being able to attend is a win itself.

Carlisle girls’ soccer had a successful season, finishing 10-8 and were ranked 15th. The girls went into Districts scheduled to play Manheim Township, a tough opponent, considering they were seeded 2nd. They fought hard but fell short and lost 3-0. Despite this ending to their season, they had many good games because of their ability to function as a unit.
Julia Ring, a freshman on varsity, admires her upper-class teammates, explaining that, “making it to districts with people that I looked up to was amazing.” With positive influence from the older girls on the team, discipline was encouraged and so was extreme effort, “Making it to districts was the reward for all the hard work we had poured into the season as a whole.” remarks Ring. The players were committed to one another, realizing they “were all a part of something bigger than” themselves, contributing to their accomplishments.

The girls tennis team finished 8-8 and joined the list of Carlisle teams that sent players to Districts. Captain Rory Ade, and senior Amelia Hough were the top two members of the team this year and placed 5th when they competed in the doubles division at districts. Coaches Greg Richards and Seng Pham, as well as the team’s manager Atticus Renault, worked with the team through the season.
Hough recaps, “There was lots of improvement” and recollects how the team spent “countless hours on the court together.” The ladies practiced hard, Ade emphasizes that they spent a lot of time working with and molding the new players.

For the Carlisle Cross Country team, they had nothing but triumph. Sophomores Ana Bondy and Kolbin Heberlig continued their competitive journey by advancing to states, representing Carlisle High School. Heberlig placed 60th, and Bondy placed 14th with the opportunity to move on, but decided to end her passage there. Bondy briefly reflects on the season by explaining how regardless of the team being young this year, “…we still won multiple times and had lots of improvement across the board.

The golf team sent many of its members into the postseason and had an all-around year of significant improvement. The team worked to gain a good name for Carlisle golf, with coach Joe Conklin mentoring them, and Captain Richard Kline being his right-hand man.
Golf is largely a mental game, but sophomore Cooper Maschmeyer, expresses, “Even though a lot of people still stressed out during the season, we knew how to slow it down and take it shot by shot.”
Seniors Isaac Beals, Cayden Plank, and Kline were joined by Maschmeyer at the Mid-Penn qualifier, Cooper advancing to Mid-Penn’s after winning the match. Ayden Burgin, another sophomore, went straight to Mid-Penn’s. While only Maschmeyer advanced to Districts, all the boys finished strong, having a “great season with a great group of guys.”
Another fall sports season at Carlisle High School is in the books. Despite struggles, the teams demonstrated effort and hunger for a win. Their hard work showed off by several teams making it to districts, and their positive attitudes regardless of the score represented CHS in the best way.
Good luck to those playing winter sports; Carlisle is hopeful for a successful season!
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