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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Lillianne Hogsten

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor

Lillianne Hogsten is currently a senior at Carlisle High School and the Photography Editor for Periscope this year. Not only is she a photographer/writer for Periscope, but she also is the Photography Editor for Oracle and plays for the varsity tennis team. Additionally, she has been everywhere; she is the daughter of a military parent, meaning this is her third high school along with Carlisle being the seventh place she has ever lived. Lillianne is incredibly enthusiastic to advance her skills in Periscope this year, hoping to bring those lessons into college in the upcoming months. 

All content by Lillianne Hogsten

Best Animated Feature

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 7, 2019

Best Supporting Actress

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 7, 2019

Best Actress

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 7, 2019

Best Supporting Actor

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 7, 2019

Best Actor

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 7, 2019

Best Director

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 4, 2019

Best Picture

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 4, 2019
The annual 91st Oscars ceremony will be held on February 24th with the nominations announced on January 22nd.

Oscar Contenders of 2019

Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor
January 4, 2019
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