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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Amanda Corrao

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer

Amanda is a staff writer for the second time this year, this time heading our new Student Life section.  She loves the when the moon comes out but she sleeps with the lights on because she’s scared of Gremlins.  She loves the outside but will be the first to complain about it being too cold or too hot.  She’s the girl who walks in a library and checks out the prettiest cover.  She always looks at the clock in school, but is afraid to end her senior year.  She always says how boring is normal but accepts anyone for who they are.

All content by Amanda Corrao
This image will be a sea of green when the class of 2015 takes the field this June.

Graduation gowns becoming one color

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
April 6, 2015
The senior book, while full of memories, can also be full of stress.

Senior Books: Fun or Traumatizing?

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
December 1, 2014
CHS students prepare for Black Friday

CHS students prepare for Black Friday

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
November 10, 2014
Pick a pumpkin and have your own experience!

Carve it your way

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
October 31, 2014
Prom is a struggle for us all, no matter your gender.

Prom can be stressful (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
April 21, 2014
Spring brings new adventures!

Welcome Spring! (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
March 25, 2014
Course selection time only offers some students the opportunities they seek.

We deserve more options at CHS (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
February 25, 2014
Kiss or Miss (editorial)

Kiss or Miss (editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
January 20, 2014
On Black Friday, shoppers wait in line for hours just to save a few dollars.

What’s up with Black Friday? (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
November 21, 2013
Who needs all this?

Face-off: Drop that mascara! (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
November 2, 2013
There's always help.

Editorial: Drug use getting out of control

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
September 27, 2013
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