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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Jackson Hoch

Jackson Hoch , News Editor

Jackson Hoch, a.k.a Action Jackson, is a senior this year and this is his first time on Periscope as a News Editor. He is to always trying to tell interesting stories that can help other students that focus on the community and sometimes even the world at large. Other than being committed to releasing out new fascinating stories; Jackson spends his time planning events for his Senior Class as he is this year’s Senior Class Vice President. He also enjoys swimming and he is part of Carlisle’s High School team and the YMCA club team. Additionally, he plays the alto saxophone in CHS’s Marching Band, and he volunteer’s at local organizations where he tries to bring people with him to get others involved in service.

Whenever he has free time, which is not often, he writes short stories and poetry and sometimes he just relaxes or hangs with friends. Jackson firmly believes that everyday has with it a story worth capturing; the challenge is just finding that right moment and capturing it. He is excited about reporting this year, and is open to suggestions and ideas from anybody that has any. He sends the best regards for everyone to have a fantastic year and he is welcoming towards anyone if they have questions or just need somebody to talk to. He’s kind of good at being funny too, he doesn’t try to be, it just kind of happens.

All content by Jackson Hoch

Blood drive to be held Jan 22

Jackson Hoch, News Editor
January 15, 2016
NEHS will be collecting books like these until Dec 18.  Please bring your donations to M30 or S105.

Give Gifts, Bring Books

Jackson Hoch, News Editor
December 14, 2015
CHS Football team traveled to Harrisburg.

[Photo] Have you Herd? Sports Updates for the Week of Nov 2

Emily Crider, Sports writer and Photographer
November 10, 2015
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