Look and feel your best 365 days a year
Look and feel your best by eating a balanced diet, exercising and keeping a positive outlook on life.
April 25, 2014
Sometimes we inevitably wake up in the morning in a funk where we just don’t feel like ourselves.
This can be the result of many events that are beyond our control such as a bad hair day, personal issues such as school, home and friends, or simply just waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
Although a lot of these situations can not be predicted or planned, there are healthy steps you can take in order to turn your day from negative to positive and help yourself not only feel better but look better in the long run.
In order to accomplish this and feel good both inside and out, you have to treat your body with care and fill your life with positivity, a healthy diet and exercise. Everyone should feel good about themselves and wake up every morning feeling refreshed, happy and ready to start their day.
One step you can take in order to move towards a healthier life style is by eating a well balanced diet. Foods that contain a lot of water and fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods high in antioxidants help build up the body and maintain energy levels.
You can also reduce your calorie intake by consuming foods that still fill you up but don’t leave you feeling like you ate too much such as avocado, popcorn, sweet potatoes, salmon, beans and salads.
According to Chatelaine.com, a website aimed towards living a healthy and relaxed lifestyle, “Eating foods with lots of fiber or water in them, like soup, vegetables and fruit, helps you stay satisfied longer, drop pounds more easily and maintain a healthy weight.” Chatelaine.com is full of recipes, home decoration ideas, style, travel and health that can help you feel better.
Eating fresh fruits such as strawberries and blueberries are a healthy alternative to eating chips, cookies and other tasty junk foods berries can help improve memory and brainpower.
The website mentioned that “women with the highest berry intake slowed cognitive aging by up to 2.5 years.”
Another way that you can look and feel your best is by exercising at least 30 minutes a day. Exercising enhances your cell functions and can leave you feeling refreshed in a positive way.
The more you work out the more your body adjusts to the activity and you will see a bigger difference. Dancing, running, walking or even yoga can help stretch your body and help you feel relaxed and healthier.
You can also lighten your load by planning out your schedule and breaking up your school work so that you are not overwhelmed and stressing yourself out.
If you become overworked and overwhelmed, take a step back from what you are doing, take a breath and count to ten. Remind yourself that whatever you are going through at the moment will not last forever. You can overcome whatever you set your mind to, no matter how big or small it may be.
Health.com gave their list of “Five Ways to Feel Great Fast” which included laughing, keeping a good posture, cutting back calories, staying away from foods that can make your allergies act up and apply a little bit of mascara in order to look more awake.
“Laughing affects us in ways similar to exercise,” said Lee Berk, DrPH, a director at a research lab in the School of Allied Health Professionals at Loma Linda University.
Keeping an upbeat attitude, always looking at the bright side of a situation no matter what you are thrown into and laughing and smiling whenever you get the chance, can help increase your overall attitude and your mood.
Living a healthy lifestyle and being a part of activities that you enjoy can help benefit you in nothing but positive ways. Looking your best is important, but feeling your best is something that can impact your entire life. Your health is such an important aspect of your life and if you are healthy and feeling good, just about nothing can bring you down.
Isabel Blumenthal • Oct 29, 2014 at 11:33 am
I really love how you chose this topic to write about! This advice is really useful in everyday life but it is often overlooked. People really should start eating healthier. I think it’s great that you gave examples and ideas as to what we can all do to better our lives. Running, dancing, swimming, eating fruits and vegetables, and just being outside are great ideas on how to improve our lives! I love this article, good job!
Alayna Panko • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:36 am
I really enjoyed reading this article! Exercise is definitely a way to relieve all the stresses of school life and personal life. I run a lot, and when I run I don’t have a care in the world. All of the projects, essays, and homework I’m stressing about immediately escape my mind. Along with constant exercise, eating right plays a big part as well, as said in the article. Its amazing how much better you feel when you are eating healthy vs eating junk food. Living a healthy lifestyle is key to having a stress free life. I love waking up and having a great attitude in the morning knowing I am ready to conquer everything life throws at me that day!
Kayla Hallman • Oct 6, 2014 at 12:45 pm
I really liked this article! I think it is very relatable to high school students seeing as stress can be very common during the year. If more students knew how to limit this by what they ate, I think it would make a more positive atmosphere here. I thought the fact saying “women who eat more berries cognitively aged 2.5 times slower.” I think that’s a good thing? haha but I really enjoyed this article!!
Megan Habeck • Apr 25, 2014 at 2:24 pm
Some days eating healthy is a lot harder than it sounds, and on days like that I like to make a smoothie with fresh fruit and yogurt. The sweetness and coldness makes me feel like I’m eating something unhealthy like ice cream, but I know I’m taking care of myself, which helps me feel better too! When school and everything else people go through gets too much, sitting down and taking a half hour to watch something fun online or Netflix also helps. Taking care is yourself mentally is just as important as physically, and the fact that this article talks about that is really great!