CHS Spirit Week 2014! (Schedule of Events)

Clara Cozort

Last year’s spirit week included a tie-dye day. Check out our story for this year’s theme days and events!

Periscope staff

CHS Spirit Week 2014! (Schedule of Events)


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Tuesday: Pattern Day

Activity: Dodgeball Tournament, 7:00-9:00, McGowan Gym ($3)

Register now with a team of 5, forms and money ($15) are due Tuesday at lunch! No registration at the door.


Wednesday: Holi Day

Activities: World (Language) Cup, 4:00-5:30, Stadium (FREE) & Powderpuff Football Game, 7:30-8:30, Stadium ($3)

Come cheer on the world language students as the German and French teams take on two Spanish teams!


Thursday: Country vs. Country Club

Activity: Wingin’ It, 7:00-8:30, Swartzeteria ($3)

Wings and sodas will be available for $0.50 each


Friday: Class Colors (Freshmen: Brown, Sophomores: Yellow, Juniors: Green, Seniors: White)

Activity: Homecoming game, 7:00, Stadium ($2)

Come support Carlisle football as they take on rival Chambersburg!
Share pictures of your crazy spirit week outfits on Twitter and Instagram using #CHSClassWars and your grade (#seniors, #juniors, etc…)  The class with the most unique outfits every day will receive 10 bonus spirit points!