CHS Spirit Week 2014! (Schedule of Events)
October 9, 2014
Tuesday: Pattern Day
Activity: Dodgeball Tournament, 7:00-9:00, McGowan Gym ($3)
Register now with a team of 5, forms and money ($15) are due Tuesday at lunch! No registration at the door.
Wednesday: Holi Day
Activities: World (Language) Cup, 4:00-5:30, Stadium (FREE) & Powderpuff Football Game, 7:30-8:30, Stadium ($3)
Come cheer on the world language students as the German and French teams take on two Spanish teams!
Thursday: Country vs. Country Club
Activity: Wingin’ It, 7:00-8:30, Swartzeteria ($3)
Wings and sodas will be available for $0.50 each
Friday: Class Colors (Freshmen: Brown, Sophomores: Yellow, Juniors: Green, Seniors: White)
Activity: Homecoming game, 7:00, Stadium ($2)
Come support Carlisle football as they take on rival Chambersburg!
Share pictures of your crazy spirit week outfits on Twitter and Instagram using #CHSClassWars and your grade (#seniors, #juniors, etc…) The class with the most unique outfits every day will receive 10 bonus spirit points!
Kenleigh Peet • Oct 27, 2014 at 9:42 am
As with every year, I had a blast during homecoming week. The theme days and events are always awesome and oober inclusive. I love the idea that anyone can play and participate!
Brandin • Oct 24, 2014 at 7:27 pm
These were great theme days to pick! I was able to participate in every one of them without having to go out and buy anything. My favorite will still be the class colors just because of seeing everyone going all out for their class.
Madi Clepper • Oct 23, 2014 at 9:38 am
Spirit week is a super fun week leading up to homecoming. Of all the different themes and getting to see what everyone else wears its a wild week. Which makes coming to school even more easier. Its just something to look forward to everyday and Fridays homecoming football game and then the dance on Saturday, which was a super fun experience.