To trick or to treat: Should teenagers stay home on Halloween?
Should we leave trick or treating to the little kids?
Is there a point in time where everybody needs to stop and realize that trick or treating is only for little kids? Or can you never reach that point, and keep trick or treating with no regrets?
The students of CHS feel as if the candy isn’t so much for our age, but maybe the dressing up and having no care is the part that really makes trick or treating something for all ages.
Some people prefer sitting in their warm house and hearing their doorbell ring every other minute to give out candy. But some people would rather go out of their way to get together with some good friends to dress up and have experiences throughout the whole night.
Freshman Arie Haycox said, “Trick or treating can be fun, but it’s not for me.”
Sophomore Lauren Clay agreed with Haycox.
“I think I’m too old for it,” said Clay.
Maybe trick or treating isn’t based on age; maybe it depends on their experiences with this specific night. Some people may think it’s too cold or a waste of time walking around the neighborhood, while others look forward to what’s going to happen this year because of how much fun they have trick or treating.
Junior Junior Gaie said, “There’s always those try-hard neighbors that scare every person who goes up to their house and it’s always a good experience. I don’t think trick or treating is something anybody can grow out of; it’s still fun to this day.”
Junior Tyler Rexroth disagreed, saying, “I think we are too old for that at our age. I think as soon as you become a teenager you should not go anymore; you should leave the candy for the little kids because it’s more for them anyway.”
The candy isn’t always the part that teenagers look forward to, however. If all they wanted was the candy, they could just go out and buy a bag instead of spending so much time and money on costumes. But everybody’s perspective is different.
Senior Julia Kephart said, “I think we are too old to go and actually collect candy but it’s still my favorite thing to dress up for one night without being judged because on Halloween it’s acceptable.”
Everybody has a different meaning to the words “trick or treating”. While most of the student body thinks we’re too old for the candy, there’s nothing wrong with dressing up and going out to have a good time.
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Amanda is a staff writer for the second time this year, this time heading our new Student Life section. She loves the when the moon comes out but she...
Luz Reynoso • Oct 31, 2014 at 5:51 pm
Halloween is for kids, to have fun, go outside, enjoy a scary night and dressing up as princesses, monsters, and heroes. It is just spectacular to see the little kids knocking on doors for candies. It is also a great time for the parents because they walk together and walk around their neighborhood. I think teenagers should not be dressed up for Halloween or ask for candy. Most of the teenagers go outside just to hang out with their friends and there is nothing wrong with that, the problem is when they act like kids. The people that are giving candies do not agree they should be giving candies to teenagers. Some people just decide to close their door and that ruins the wonderful spirit of Halloween and the kids are also affected by that.
Kale Nysho • Oct 31, 2014 at 12:23 pm
Trick-or-Treating is for anyone. Its not only about the candy so making judgments based on whether teens should be out getting candy or not is way off the mark. Halloween as a whole is about being able to be yourself and more yet not get judged. Personally the joy I get isn’t from the candy, only cause I never really liked most kinds, but getting to go around terrifying people. Year after year I make sure to enjoy Halloween in one way or another. Nothing is wrong with cutting loose and having some fun. After all its just for one night so…why not?
Breon • Oct 31, 2014 at 12:19 pm
Honestly, I think that Trick or Treating can be for all ages. Sure, we all have our views on it. But it’s all based on fun and making a memorable night. I still trick of treat and I’m 17. I mostly do it for the fun of being able to do whatever you want for a night. No one judges you, and if your under a mask, no one knows you. In my opinion, I think that trick or treating IS for all ages up until 18. but that’s just me.
Jenny Hervey • Oct 31, 2014 at 11:06 am
Personally Halloween has always been my number 1 favorite holiday out of them all. Just the fact that it could be the day where you could dress up, admire all the ghoulish decorations and get a bunch of candy was beyond words freakishly fun. So when I read this article I could not agree with it more! Yes, there will be a year where you can no longer go trick-or-treating, and yes other people may be considered too old, but all in all it doesn’t mean your too old to celebrate the frightening holiday that is of Halloween like Melinda recently stated. Trick-or-treating isn’t just about the candy, but being able to express yourself in costume and hang out with friends making memories, memories to remember for years to come.
Matthew Brown • Oct 31, 2014 at 11:00 am
I think once kids are teenagers the phrase ‘trick or treating’ changes meaning from going to get candy to just dressing up and hanging out with friends. Therefore I think its fine for teenagers to trick or treat.
Jessica • Oct 31, 2014 at 10:57 am
I think trick or treating is great for kids. I like answering the door with little kids grinning ear to ear when they get candy. I like going out on the streets too and getting a few pieces of candy. I think that is okay as long as you are dressed up in a costume and not going out as a teenager.
andrew Slear • Oct 31, 2014 at 10:08 am
I think that anyone should be allowed to trick or treat but I get where people are coming from when they say ” they are to old to trick or treat.” I don’t go out but I love to scare the crap out of kids, especially older ones. this is a holiday meant to be fun for everyone.
Melinda H. • Oct 30, 2014 at 1:44 pm
I believe that you are too old to trick or treat when you hit a certain age, when you hit 16 years old I think that’s when you should call it quits. Let the younger kids have the candy. But that doesn’t mean Halloween is over for you just because you can’t go trick or treating. If you are too old to trick or treat you can always do other things, for instance you can go to parties, hand out candy, or even just have a horror movie marathon with a bunch of friends. You can be too old for trick or treating, but you’ll never be too old for Halloween. You can never be too old to enjoy Halloween, just find other ways to enjoy the spooky holiday besides going trick or treating. So yes, as a teenage you should stop going out trick or treating, but you’re not to old for Halloween.
Taiylor D. • Oct 30, 2014 at 10:17 am
High School students should still have the right to go Trick or Treating. There isn’t a stated age requirement. You don’t necessarily need to go out and get candy, just simply dressing up will work.
The parents who take their infant children out trick or treating, WHO’S EATING THE CANDY? I’m pretty sure it’s not the babies. It’s no different then a high school student going out and getting candy for themselves. Except we’re honest, we want the candy to eat for ourselves. We’re not hiding behind a cute little baby.
Even if we don’t receive candy, it’s still a thrill to go out walking around to look at all the costumes. I’m wearing a costume this year, even if it’s frowned upon
Chelsea Seibert • Oct 30, 2014 at 10:09 am
No, I don’t think teenagers should have to stay home. Who says teenagers can’t go trick or treating? Teenagers want candy too. It shouldn’t have to stop at a certain age.
How about when adults take their one year old children trick or treating when they can’t even eat candy yet. Should they stay home? Honestly the main reason teenagers go trick or teating is to dress up. Sure, we like the candy too but dressing up is more fun. Teenagers are more creaive and come up with cool costume ideas.
I think teenagers should go out and trick or treat. What’s the big deal? It’s still fun no matter what age you are.
Isabel Blumenthal • Oct 29, 2014 at 3:45 pm
I love how you keep in mind everybody’s opinions, whether it’s too cold, too much work, or just not worth their time. I personally believe that trick or treating is a cultural aspect of growing old. By this, I do think that there comes a time when it is too old to trick or treat, but that does not mean that Halloween can’t be fun. At the age when kids stop trick or treating, parties arise and social situations. This allows for more experiences on Halloween and ultimately a better time! Great article.
Autumn Rowe • Oct 29, 2014 at 12:26 pm
I personally love trick-or-treating and wish I still did it even though I don’t anymore. It was a chance for me to see the other people in my neighborhood and catch up with them. Many of them remember me only from when I was a little girl. I never actually eat the candy that I collect. I always go with one of my best friends and we always have a blast. The dressing up with your friends and goofing around is what I really enjoy about it and what I think teenagers should still do.
Katie Dworak • Oct 28, 2014 at 2:38 pm
Though part of me will always miss dressing up and trick or treating, I really feel like there reaches an age where it is no longer acceptable. Once you’re there it’s not all over. You can hand out candy or have a Halloween party which are equally as fun and fulfilling.
Claire Hillison • Oct 28, 2014 at 1:50 pm
I personally love trick-or-treating! I think that teens should be allowed to enjoy themselves on this holiday as well as little kids. Candy is really an ageless treat so why not?
Taylor Bowers • Oct 28, 2014 at 11:01 am
Teenagers should be aloud to trick or treat. It isn’t about the candy but having fun dressing up.
Madison Corl • Oct 28, 2014 at 9:35 am
I think trick-or-treating is mostly for kids just because they get the most enjoyment out of it but if you’re a teenager and you still go at least take a younger sibling or something. If you go just to get candy it doesn’t make any sense because you can buy a whole ton more in stores than you can get in one night.
Taylor Monroe • Oct 28, 2014 at 9:34 am
I think teenagers are too old for trick or treating. I stopped going when I was 14. As I got older, people were less happy to see a 14 year old at their door versus a 5 year old asking for candy. Although I like handing out candy and the whole dressing up and decorating for Halloween, I still the holiday is a good time.
Ryan Doody • Oct 27, 2014 at 1:45 pm
I will be turning 18 in two weeks and I still plan on trick-or-treating. It’s a great feeling seeing all those little kids running around in their costumes doing all their crazy kid stuff. Getting older and older has only improved my ability to t-or-t. When I was much younger my stamina would run out half way through the night. Now I can maintain a light jog the entire night while getting candy.
Erin Newcomer • Oct 27, 2014 at 10:31 am
I enjoyed trick or treating when I was little and it still seems like fun, but I believe I’m too old for it. I love to dress up and hand out candy to the little kids in my neighborhood. Its nice to see how excited they are to get the candy and how their faces mirror the excitement on mine years ago. I feel as if Halloween can be special for everyone, but trick or treat is more for the little kids.
Kenleigh Peet • Oct 27, 2014 at 9:45 am
You’re only as young as you feel! I think that as long as you put effort into dressing up, you reserve the right to trick or treat!
Brandin • Oct 24, 2014 at 8:47 pm
I stopped trick or treating a few years ago. Now i get to sit and wait for the kids to ring our doorbell. I enjoy seeing the kids from the neighborhood, or the yearly regulars, dressed up and having fun running around getting candy. Its more fun to see them than it is for me to go out asking for candy.
DJ Anderson • Oct 24, 2014 at 1:47 pm
I definitely agree that Trick-or-treating should be reserved for little kids. If high school aged teens want to wear costumes when they hang out, I suppose that is up to them. To each his own. I would much rather hand out candy to little kids than teens, however. I’m not going to stop anyone, but I’m totally going to judge.
Abigail Payne • Oct 24, 2014 at 1:40 pm
I would have to agree with those that said trick or treating is a little immature for most teenagers. It’s not completely wrong. But my biggest pet peeve, however, is when teenagers trick or treat without dressing up. If you are going to do it, do it right.
Destiny Billot • Oct 24, 2014 at 12:54 pm
I really like this article, I think trick or treating is fun no matter what age you are, but save the candy for the kids. We can always just go buy some when it gets on sale! So, ill be home eating ice cream watching Halloween Town !
Alexis Spence • Oct 24, 2014 at 11:52 am
I believe that once you hit high school your too old for trick or treating. I just feel like it is a little kid thing to go and ask people for candy. Like when you get older you can just buy candy whenever you want too. I just don’t think kids in high school should go trick or treating.
Madelynne Staley • Oct 24, 2014 at 10:38 am
I agree; trick or treating is meant for young children, and while teenagers are free to do it if they want, they are too old. There are many ways to have fun on Halloween that are not trick or treating that are much more age appropriate for teenagers. Trick or treating is meant to be a precious memory for families and it just seems strange to be to be doing something that mainly young kids do. However, Halloween is meant to be fun and as long as people are behaving then it really shouldn’t be an issue no matter how old you are.
Joshua Winton • Oct 24, 2014 at 10:11 am
If I want to go trick-or-treating, I think I should be allowed to, and I really don’t want to be judged for it, but then again I have little sisters so I can just steal their loot. Halloween has never really been a big deal to me, so even though I think you can if you want to, I know I won’t be participating.
Parker Kendall • Oct 23, 2014 at 9:32 am
I haven’t been trick or treating for years, and I never remember thoroughly enjoying it. I think the tradition is more intended for children, but it seems like its becoming more common for teens to participate. sometimes I hand out candy, and I remember that last year most of the ‘kids’ that came to the door were in fact teens.
Brandon Peck • Oct 23, 2014 at 9:19 am
I think im to old to trick or treat but not to dress up and hand candy out to kids from my house
Corey Darhower • Oct 23, 2014 at 9:13 am
I don’t agree with Tyler, I think that dressing up to scare people is fun and if people are willing to give out candy then I’ll gladly take some, that’s just a bonus.
Jamie Miller • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:40 am
I think teenagers going trick-or-treating is perfectly fine as long as you aren’t being disruptive and disrespectful. The kids that go around taking whole bowls of candy from someone’s porch are the reason people don’t agree with them going. I personally enjoy going just for the chance to dress up however I want, no matter how goofy, and it be fine. I actually take my nieces, nephews, and baby sister trick-or-treating and I dress up with them. One year, my baby sister and I dressed up as matching 80’s kids and some people were very rude about me going and being dressed up when I was obviously just taking them and some were very kind and offered me candy. In my opinion, as long as teens aren’t being disrespectful and taking away from the kids’ experience it is perfectly fine for them to go trick-or-treating.
Kayla Hallman • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:39 am
I really enjoyed this article! I think Trick-or-treating is fun but I also agree that we are a bit too old to be going out to get candy, as much as I love candy! I think now it is more fun to see kids dress up and think back to all the fun I had.
Alayna Panko • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:25 am
Although trick or treating is fun, and still sounds just as fun now as when I was younger, I think that trick or treating should just be reserved for the little kids. Teenagers can easily buy their own candy, they are just being selfish if they go out and go door to door receiving candy from people that buy the candy mostly for the little kids. Teenagers had their time when they were little to get all dressed up and go out trick or treating but now they should have the younger kids have their night.
Taylor Lebo • Oct 23, 2014 at 8:10 am
I think that everyone should be aloud to trick or treat, because it’s not about getting candy, it’s just about having fun.
Madeline Winn • Oct 22, 2014 at 9:56 am
I still think that trick or treating is fun, but that I’m too old for it. I like being able to answer the door and see all the little kids dressed up, though!
Rachel Day • Oct 22, 2014 at 8:11 am
I think trick-or-treat is not meant for teenagers. People wouldn’t go out and buy candy to give to teenagers, they buy it to give to little kids.