Serving Students: ways to become invested in the Carlisle community
People are helping to distribute food at Project Share.
Carlisle has a good multitude of places to carry out community service and all share one main mission together: they want as many people to become involved as possible because every person that helps strengthens the community.
If you are new to the area, you have required hours for clubs or classes this year, or even if you are just genuinely interested in service; here are a few different places where service is available.
Project Share
Project Share, located at 5 North Orange Street, Carlisle, P.A. is an organization that’s focus is feeding the hungry in the community. There are so many ways to help here; for more information on specific ways to help go to the website under “Let Us Help” and click on services offered. All the work that is completed here goes into “feeding 1,000 families and the 3,000 and more individuals that come through the doors each month for assistance” according to the Project Share website.
Elida Murray, the Operations Manager for Project Share said that “the value in what high schoolers can bring to Project Share is youthful energy and all those great new ideas that we might not already have.”
New and upcoming events and ideas that are happening at Project Share are that “they have been collecting Giant receipts in exchange for money from the Giant grocery stores,” said Murray.
Also, they are now, according to Mrs. Murray, “preparing food for Thanksgiving, as it is a busy time and takes a lot of preparation.”
To keep updated on opportunities make sure to visit the website where there is a calendar, contact information, and much more. Project Share is always looking for help, and they welcome all ages and anyone who has an interest in service.
They also “welcome groups that are looking to serve together and can always find something for everybody to do,” Murray explained.

Check out the Carlisle Theatre for service opportunities.
Carlisle Theater
Most people do not realize that the Carlisle Theater has volunteer opportunities associated with it. The theater is located at 40 W High St in Carlisle, P.A. According to the Carlisle Theater’s website, “The theater was the first centrally air conditioned building in Carlisle and it is by far the oldest theater in Carlisle with its doors opening in May of 1939.”
The theater performs live shows, has music groups and other types of entertainment. They also show films not always shown in regular cinemas such as foreign and arts related films. Once in a while they even show films that regular cinemas also screen.
The theater has an interesting history and they are “always looking for volunteers to help with the Theater Box Office, Concessions, Ushering, and many other areas where there are opportunities to volunteer time.”

The Salvation Army’s logo
My Brother’s Table and the Salvation Army
My Brother’s Table is a program provided through the Salvation Army. According to their website, “The program provides a breakfast program and a sit down dinner program for the hungry and homeless. The dinner program is open to the public.”
Going to the dinner is helping to serve the community and there one can get more information on how to help through the Salvation Army, as volunteering there is a little bit more of an extensive process.
Also, the Salvation Army website has a wish list of things the organization needs from the community. High school students already probably have a multitude of things the Salvation Army needs including clothing and personal hygiene items. If high school students wanted to spend a little money instead of giving regular serve time, this is always appreciated too.
This article serves as part to a three part series on ways students can serve in the Carlisle Community which will be running throughout the year. For more information on service opportunities, visit Great Nonprofits Website.
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Jackson Hoch, a.k.a Action Jackson, is a senior this year and this is his first time on Periscope as a News Editor. He is to always trying to tell interesting...