They said yes: Tips for asking dates to Winter Ball

Grace Winton

CHS seniors Jordan Purcell and Nicole Wellmon pose after a successful Winter Ball proposal. Wellmon surprised Purcell at the end of his basketball game.

Winter Ball is coming up quickly, and as tradition, it’s girls ask guys. That puts girls in a tough spot, so ladies, here are some tips and success stories to help you make the big move on your date.

Please note: We kept the stories anonymous to protect the sources.

Related: Sadie Hawkins: A Race to Get a Date

Tip #1: Confidence. Confidence is key. You might be scared they will say no, or that he or she was asked by someone else, but if you have confidence and stay positive it will go a lot smoother.

“When I asked this guy to Winter Ball, I was part of the cheer team so during the pep rally the week before the dance, I teamed up with the whole cheer team and made a routine where right in the middle of it, we hold up signs that said our school’s name and all the peppy stuff. Then, at the end of the routine, I held up a sign that said “Sadies?” and had the whole cheer team call out his name.”

Tip #2: Be creative and outgoing. You want to woo the person you really like, so come up with a unique and cool idea that everyone will love.

“So I decided to ask one of my really nice guy friends to the dance. I knew he liked to rap so I thought it would be a cool idea to come up with my own. In the class we shared, I did the rap for him, and he said yes.”

Tip #3: Do your research. Know what they like and use that when you ask them. You both will enjoy it a lot more.

“I went to a basketball game with a few of my friends. At halftime my girlfriend got the people on the opposite side of the court to hold up multiple signs that came together to say my name and the words, ‘Winter Ball?'”

All in all, when you think about it, the worst he can say is no, and that’s no big deal. The best thing to do is shake it off, go and have even more fun with your friends.