Freshman Bree Ank won a Scholastic Gold Key on her novel in this year’s Scholastic Art and Writing Competition.
Bree Ank
Name: Bree Ank
Grade: 9
Category: Novel
Title: Countdown
Who/what inspired you to submit to the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition?
“Really it was my teacher from last year that encouraged me to do it. Her name was Mrs. Williams and I decided I wanted to do it again because I wanted to give it another try; last year I got an honorable mention.”
What do you like about it?
“I like that it’s a bunch of people all over the nation competing for recognition for what you love to do. I like that it’s judged by a bunch of people who really know what they’re doing and it’s really professional.”
What are you most proud of?
“I think accomplishing what I did, writing the novel. I did not expect to get a Gold Key so I think just being able to submit it was what I was most proud of.”
What do you look to for inspiration for pieces?
“What’s happening in the world currently and seeing how I can make it into a story.”
How does it feel to be a Gold Key Winner?
“It feels really good, great.”
Who is your favorite author/artist? What is one outstanding quote or piece from that author/artist that inspires you?
“My favorite author is F. Scott Fitzgerald and I love his quote ‘Lie to me by moonlight and do a fabulous story.’”
Describe your winning piece.
“It is a novel called Countdown and it is set in a future society in which people have timers on their wrists counting down to the time that they’re going to meet their soulmate.”