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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • February 13FEB 24 - Marking Period 3 Interim Grades Issued
  • February 13FEB 24 - Course Selection Window Closes
  • February 13FEB 14th - Winter Ball - 7-10pm @ The Barn at Creek's Bend!
  • February 13Wingin' It Show Tonight! - 7pm - Swartz Cafeteria
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


STANDING TOGETHER: This photo contains the two main contributors in the process of the approval course, student and teacher; Stroud (left) and Wagner (right) together in his classroom.

Students Stand Up: How Student Activism Can Make an Impact

Jillian Grimes, News Editor May 10, 2023

The Carlisle Area School Board approved AP African American Studies, an AP course that many students desire, at a board meeting on April 20. The course was endorsed by the Board with a unanimous decision...

Greta Thunberg testifies in front of the US Congress in mid-September. The sixteen-year-old activist from Sweden has been making headlines for the past six months for her strong stance on climate awareness.

Activism and autism: Why Greta Thunberg is important to people on the spectrum (Editorial)

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief October 7, 2019

One of the biggest names in environmentalism today is a 16-year-old autistic girl, and I, along with other people on the autism spectrum, could not be more excited about it. Research done into the subject...

Sarah Rendon poses with a "NO GUNS" sign in support of the gun control movement.  This writer asks, why have we stopped talking about gun control?

Sudden change: What happened to anti-shooting activism? (Editorial)

Zack Mattaboni, Staff Writer November 15, 2018

Many people think back to the gun limitation movements of early 2018, with some of the biggest being the national walkouts and marches that occurred. That begs one big question for the past few months:...

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