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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Where Are They Going? Class of 2023

Where Are They Going? Class of 2023

Myana Brown, Haylie Potter, and Lyric Koch May 26, 2023

The end of the school year is an exciting time, as seniors move on to the next phase of their lives. Periscope complied a comprehensive list of where graduating students are going next year.

Grace Winton strikes a pose in her dance team uniform at the Catholic University of America. Winton danced with Carlisle Dance before entering college.

Beyond the barre: life after high school for CHS dancers

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief November 26, 2019

From the studios at Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet (CPYB) to the barre at Carlisle Ballet, the Carlisle area has its fair share of dance studios--and with them come student dancers. These students spend...

Finishing strong: the effects of senioritis

Kathleen O’Neill May 30, 2018

Senioritis is a well-known and widespread feeling in high school. The seniors catch it, and everyone feels the effects of it. Senioritis occurs when seniors realize that they have gotten into college and...

A poster for "What Comes Next?," the job fair hosted by the Careers and Technology department.  Seniors looking for a job after high school will attend the event on April 25.

Students to figure out “What Comes Next?” at upcoming job fair

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief April 24, 2018

Seniors wondering “what comes next?” after high school will soon have a place to find an answer. “What Comes Next?,” the job fair hosted by CHS’ Careers and Technology Department, will take...

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