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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Dreams do come true: looking back on the early days for our future college athletes (photos)

Dreams do come true: looking back on the early days for our future college athletes (photos)

Jillian Grimes and Hannah Stoner May 27, 2022

Here, we are displaying pictures of various CHS senior athletes who plan on furthering their athletic careers at the college level. Several athletes have signed to play over the school year; check...

LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Phase I of the Athletic Field Project includes putting in a synthetic turf field in the area of the current football practice field. The field is planned to be built by the 2022 Fall Sport's Season. Sensenig said, "They [my team] will no longer be affected by huge holes, divots or dirt patches in the grass- or the length of the grass affecting their ability to dribble with speed and control in order to successfully possess the ball."

Surface tension: District approves plan to build synthetic turf field

Hannah Stoner, Editor-in-Chief December 23, 2021

On Thursday, December 9, the Carlisle Area School District held a board meeting in which they voted and approved the first phase of a three-phase athletic field project. This project includes putting in...

Varsity cheerleaders Mariana Machin (right) and Daija Berry join their fellow team members to perform a routine for Carlisle's football team during the 2018 fall season. The varsity cheerleaders also cheer for the varsity boy's basketball team.

Tumbling into a new season: cheerleading to hold tryouts

Karolena Santiago, Photographer March 25, 2019

The 2019-2020 school year will have a fresh cheer team ready to flip through the new season. Tryouts for the CHS Cheer team will be held starting today, Mon Mar 25-Fri Mar 29. The pressure is on as...

Brain Waiter works with a student athlete. Trainers do a lot in our school to keep athletes healthy.

Trainers: The people behind Carlisle athletes (Editorial)

Kathleen O’Neill October 27, 2017

Carlisle High School has three amazing individuals who help the student athletes stay in pristine condition. They keep athletes happy and healthy.  They are our school trainers: Brian Waiter, Richard...

Many athletes and coaches use Hudl to share training videos.

Tech on the sidelines: how technology helps athletes train

Justine Douglas, Sports writer April 22, 2015

Several athletes are using different technology sources to help them in their sport. Sophomore Deshawn Millington uses the website Hudl to watch football and basketball film. He uses it “to watch...

Carlisle athletes sign their letters of intent to play sports in college.

Carlisle student athletes sign intentions to play at Spring Signing Day

Tyler Galaskas, Sports editor April 22, 2014

Several Carlisle student athletes have done what many high school athletes will never get the opportunity to do: sign to play their sport in college. Spring Signing Day, held on Wednesday, April 16,...

Max Breschi, Tre Coleman, and Jon Mundell all wait to sign their letters of intent on Feb 6.

Three Carlisle seniors fulfill their lifelong dreams, sign with colleges

Tyler Galaskas, Sports editor February 13, 2014

Many athletes work all their lives in order to achieve the goal of playing the sports in college.  On Thursday, Feb. 6, three Carlisle seniors fulfilled that goal during “Signing Day.” Trevanté...

Will CHS ever give athletes time to rest? (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer October 7, 2013

Every student in CHS is required to take a gym class twice a week.  Yet athletes are included in gym when they do "gym class" every day after school.  They’re already overachievers; I feel they should...

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