![LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Phase I of the Athletic Field Project includes putting in a synthetic turf field in the area of the current football practice field. The field is planned to be built by the 2022 Fall Sport's Season. Sensenig said, "They [my team] will no longer be affected by huge holes, divots or dirt patches in the grass- or the length of the grass affecting their ability to dribble with speed and control in order to successfully possess the ball."](https://www.chsperiscope.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IMG-0662.jpg)
Surface tension: District approves plan to build synthetic turf field
Hannah Stoner, Editor-in-Chief
• December 23, 2021

Tumbling into a new season: cheerleading to hold tryouts
Karolena Santiago, Photographer
• March 25, 2019

Trainers: The people behind Carlisle athletes (Editorial)
Kathleen O’Neill
• October 27, 2017

Tech on the sidelines: how technology helps athletes train
Justine Douglas, Sports writer
• April 22, 2015

Carlisle student athletes sign intentions to play at Spring Signing Day
Tyler Galaskas, Sports editor
• April 22, 2014

Three Carlisle seniors fulfill their lifelong dreams, sign with colleges
Tyler Galaskas, Sports editor
• February 13, 2014
Will CHS ever give athletes time to rest? (Editorial)
Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer
• October 7, 2013
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Adam Paradise