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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Library aides are a part of the aides being outsourced through ESS for the 2019-2020 school year.  The measure approving this was passed by the school board April 18.

Aides to be outsourced: Who it affects and what it means

Ellie Knapp, Staff Writer April 29, 2019

On Thursday, April 18, the Carlisle High School Fowler LGI filled with tense community members as the school board voted whether or not to outsource district aides. This hot-button issue has been discussed...

CASD currently faces a $3M budget gap and must make challenging and possibly controversial decisions in an effort to close it.

Mind the gap: Addressing the $3 million budget gap

Ellie Knapp, Staff Writer February 26, 2019

The Carlisle Area School District, for the sixth year running, has a budget gap of $3 million dollars.   A budget gap, or the void between the planned spending and the revenue, means that the district...

Will the state budget that has finally been passed help or hurt PA school districts?

The PA State Budget and You (Editorial)

Harry A. Wendelken, Perspectives Writer March 30, 2016

Recently, Tom Wolf decided to allow the passage of the 3-billion dollar State Budget plan, after months of contentious fighting with the GOP However, rather than directly sign it into law, he purposely...

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