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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Many CHS students take part in Big Brothers Big Sisters. Responsibility is a necessary trait to be a Big.

Big Brothers Big Sisters: an organization dedicated to a “big” problem

Carol Etzel, Magazine Editor-in-Chief January 24, 2018

Growing up, not every kid is fortunate enough to have someone in their life to look up to. Programs such as Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) aim to provide children with long-lasting friendships that will...

A display of yearbooks honors the 180th anniversary of the Carlisle Area School District.

180 years and still going strong: CASD celebrates anniversary

Olivia Boyd, News Editor October 3, 2016

September 19, 2016 marked the 180th anniversary of the first school being opened in the Carlisle Area School District, the oldest district in the state. The school opened with approximately 800 students...

Snow days come with an exhausting price

Are eDays a snow day solution? (Editorial)

Lauren Pantleo, Perspectives writer January 27, 2015

With weather conditions worsening and school frequently cancelled, winter is here. Not having to come to school is great news to most students, but it comes with a price: it takes days away from our breaks...

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