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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Care-free cheerleader shadow.

The Truth About Cheer Culture (Editorial)

Haylie Potter, Staff Writer February 2, 2023

Bright lights shining, people screaming as you run onto the mat, and the cameras clicking. Jumps, stunts, cheers, and dances are what most think about when they think of cheerleading, but there is so much...

Varsity cheerleaders Mariana Machin (right) and Daija Berry join their fellow team members to perform a routine for Carlisle's football team during the 2018 fall season. The varsity cheerleaders also cheer for the varsity boy's basketball team.

Tumbling into a new season: cheerleading to hold tryouts

Karolena Santiago, Photographer March 25, 2019

The 2019-2020 school year will have a fresh cheer team ready to flip through the new season. Tryouts for the CHS Cheer team will be held starting today, Mon Mar 25-Fri Mar 29. The pressure is on as...

Winter storm Jonas left the Gene Evans gym empty, due to sports cancellations.

Winter Storm Jonas: How the snow affected Carlisle sports

Katie Klepp, Sports Section Editor February 4, 2016

The recent Winter Storm Jonas brought as much as 35 inches of snow to the east coast, causing Carlisle High School to postpone many of its sports meets and games to later dates. Even with the hastily...

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