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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


The Ship Start program offered by Shippensburg University offers college courses to high school students to receive college credits at a reduced price.

Ship Start: a new head start to college

Skylar Bowers, Student Life Editor February 20, 2019

AP and honor classes are intended to prepare students for college courses, but what better way to get ready than to take the college class first-hand? Ship Start is a program offered by Shippensburg...

Senior Tessa Paulus teaches little kids in the Early Childhood Development Program. This program has a history of only having female students enrolled, despite the need for male teachers in the field of education.

The gender divide: Why are some classes not evenly represented? (Editorial)

Skylar Bowers, Michael Raphael, and Carlin Diehl February 13, 2019

Traditionally, there has been a lack of gender diversity in certain types of classes such as the arts, mathematics, and sciences. These ratios have stayed the same for a long time, this presumingly because...

Many students use gym class to hang out with their friends and take a break from course work. However, with new course requirements, classes could be so much more than just the daily grind.

Dear CHS: Teach me what I really need (Editorial)

Ashley Ivanoff, Perspectives Editor February 19, 2018

A mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell. This statement is infamously used on the internet to mock the "impractical information taught in public schools". And still, it is one of the sole lessons...

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