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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Shaping the world: Empty Bowls (Video)

Megan Swahlon, Herd TV February 25, 2022

This video was originally broadcast on Herd TV on February 22, 2022. 2/28 UPDATE: The bowl sale has been extended to March 18. To order a bowl, click here.  [Transcript] Empty Bowls is the annual...

FEEL THE LUV:  C-Luv Thrift, located at 20 N. Hanover Street, is known for their fun finds and love of all things Carlisle-related. They are also involved in several service projects geared towards helping the greater Carlisle community.

Share the ‘Luv’: Small business owners give back to the community

Kaylea Martin, Staff Writer November 20, 2021

In downtown Carlisle, there is a lot of “Luv” to be shared. C-Luv Thrift’s first opening was in February 2018, with owners Mary Carlton and George Kretzing, who decided to open a store where the...

KEEP IT LOCAL: While in downtown Carlisle look out for local businesses with new and some returning seasonal items during this holiday shopping season in order to support the Carlisle business community.

After black comes green: Small Business Saturday provides opportunities for local businesses

Jillian Grimes, News Editor November 16, 2021

The Friday after Thanksgiving, the time where everyone pays attention to the big chains with major deals and discounts, Black Friday. Black Friday takes this entice of shopping small. What can communities...

COMING TOGETHER: This photo was taken at a memorial screening event, through The Peyton Walker Foundation, in memory of JT Kuhn on October 16. They had offered heart screenings which included a heart murmur check, blood pressure reading, and EKG through an on-site UPMC cardiologist.

The Beat Goes On: The Peyton Walker Foundation offers free screenings

Jillian Grimes, News Editor October 22, 2021

As reported by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 2,000 outwardly healthy, young people under the age of 25 in the United States die every year of Sudden Cardiac Arrest...

Thundering Herd Hero

Colton Gillingham February 11, 2021

Grace Snyder is an EMT with Cumberland Goodwill and belongs to multiple fire companies within Carlisle and the surrounding area. In the early morning of January 7, a car fire on Willow Street was dispatched...

CREATIVE ADVENTURES: CHS art teacher Amie Bantz has opened a studio at Millworks in Harrisburg. Here you can see a sample of her artwork.

Creating new joy: Bantz opens studio at Millworks

Renae Greak December 23, 2020

Her goal is rather simple: create joy through art. In addition to teaching art at CHS and running her own graphic design business, Amie Bantz recently opened a studio at Millworks, restaurant/gallery...

HOMETOWN HEROES: First responders within Carlisle, such as firefighters at Carlisle Fire and Rescue Services, are devoted to making a difference within the Carlisle community and the surrounding area. These hometown heroes sacrifice a lot, including their mental health, and should be recognized for that.

Health of our heroes: the mental toll on first responders (Editorial)

Colton Gillingham December 18, 2020

Within every community lies a special group of people devoting their lives to helping others. These first responders are recognized as community heroes due to their selfless actions. However, first responders...

WORKING TOGETHER: Volunteers at the Project SHARE's warehouse package fruits and vegetables for the families they serve. Since the pandemic started, the food bank has seen an 18% increase in households served.

Nourishing the community: The role of the local food bank during the pandemic

Jillian Grimes, News Editor December 1, 2020

With a pandemic comes privation, an unfortunate state of lacking essentials like food and utilities. Where do people turn when they don’t have the financials to fully support their family after getting...

Woodshed Guitar Works, located at 147 N. Hanover St, is known for their community-minded approach to music.  This is just one of the many local businesses that make Carlisle unique.

Comforts of Carlisle: What makes it home (Editorial)

Ayb Graham, Staff writer April 4, 2019

Carlisle is a small town that is built on community. It's a place where everyone knows everyone, and it's pretty easy to understand why. At the heart of everything, it's a family-friendly town that promotes...

Snow barrels down on Carlisle residents as they try to shovel out their sidewalks. There have been 4 snowstorms this winter season for Carlisle.

Winter wonderland: Inside snow day decision making (Editorial)

Carter Smith, Staff Writer February 19, 2019

With winter in full swing, delays and cancellations are occurring often. While we students anxiously wait to hear about the fate of our day, we may not realize how difficult of a task it can be for administrators...

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