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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


WORKING TOGETHER: Volunteers at the Project SHARE's warehouse package fruits and vegetables for the families they serve. Since the pandemic started, the food bank has seen an 18% increase in households served.

Nourishing the community: The role of the local food bank during the pandemic

Jillian Grimes, News Editor December 1, 2020

With a pandemic comes privation, an unfortunate state of lacking essentials like food and utilities. Where do people turn when they don’t have the financials to fully support their family after getting...

PLAYING A NEW GAME: Industries that have not had the spotlight in the past have now had the opportunities to make millions, as the pandemic has redirected sports fans' attention and money.

Imitating involvement: Sports fans seek alternative activities amidst pandemic (Editorial)

Jarrett Wilson, Editor-in-chief November 30, 2020

Sports fans are notorious for being passionate about their favorite teams and players, and this year has been no exception. In fact, this year showed us how far sports fans will go to be involved with...

PANDEMIC PLAYLIST: Enjoy a list of songs created for this year 2020 inspired by the pandemic. Many artists cannot perform live due to the virus, but that hasn't stopped them from making amazing music from home.

Can’t stop the music: the sounds of quarantine (Playlist)

Natalie Davis November 2, 2020

Covid-19 has essentially stopped all forms of group gatherings making social distancing as detrimental as the virus itself. These restrictions placed on social "get-togethers" have especially affected...

QUESTIONABLE PROTECTION: As the pandemic continues, many are beginning to question if masks should be required or not, leaving some to make up excuses. Since limited light has been shined on this topic in the past, it is time to discover who should be wearing a mask and who should not be.

Mask or Pass? (Editorial)

Colton Gillingham November 2, 2020

Over the past few months, many changes have taken place. One significant change is the addition of masks into nearly everyone’s lives. While many have worn these masks without a second thought, others...

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