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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • February 13FEB 24 - Marking Period 3 Interim Grades Issued
  • February 13FEB 24 - Course Selection Window Closes
  • February 13FEB 14th - Winter Ball - 7-10pm @ The Barn at Creek's Bend!
  • February 13Wingin' It Show Tonight! - 7pm - Swartz Cafeteria
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Students are not allowed to expose their shoulder according to the dress code.

Cover that shoulder: Student perspectives on the dress code

Parker Shabala, staff writer September 26, 2018

From crop tops, leggings, fingertip lengths shorts, to shirts that expose shoulders, students have been debating for many years about what they deem as appropriate for school. CHS students have...

New dress code guidelines have restricted teachers from wearing jeans during certain dress down opportunities.  Is this really something that needs to be limited?

The problem with denim: should teachers be allowed to wear jeans? (Editorial)

Treston Johnson, Perspectives Writer October 30, 2017

“Readily distinguishable from students,” “positive role modeling,” and “professional responsibilities” are the images a Carlisle High School staff member must project in order to “present...

How far do we have to zip up to not get written up?

Dress Code: Is it sexist and confusing? (Editorial)

Lauren Pantleo, Perspectives writer October 24, 2014

Let’s be honest; school dress codes can be a little unrealistic, especially for girls. Many argue that school dress codes teach girls that they are a distraction to learning. I agree with this statement...

Cheerleaders wear their green, white, and black uniforms; for school days they must add black leggings to be considered school appropriate.

CHS cheerleaders not cheering for the dress code

Amber Krause, Fashion writer October 4, 2013

CHS cheerleaders spread Bison spirit by filling the fields with cheers and helping to raise money for school events. Yet a new concern has occupied them: dress code requirements. In addition to the...

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