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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Shaping the world: Empty Bowls (Video)

Megan Swahlon, Herd TV February 25, 2022

This video was originally broadcast on Herd TV on February 22, 2022. 2/28 UPDATE: The bowl sale has been extended to March 18. To order a bowl, click here.  [Transcript] Empty Bowls is the annual...

Empty Bowls allows students to channel their inner creativity while serving an awesome cause.

Fight Hunger, Fill a Bowl: Empty Bowls returns to CHS

Jackson Hoch, News Editor March 29, 2016

Empty Bowls is an annual nationwide fundraiser to raise money for the hungry in communities. Carlisle High School is holding their Empty Bowls fundraiser on May 6 in the McGowan Café. Empty Bowls is...

Third annual Empty Bowls raises $2K for Project Share

Third annual Empty Bowls raises $2K for Project Share

Chenta Shirley, News writer May 11, 2015

The 2015 school year has brought with it the third annual Empty Bowl Project to CHS. The national Empty Bowls project was created by Imagine Render. The purpose of the Empty Bowl project is to raise...

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