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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Girls Just Want to Have Fun: Emelia Yencha pictured at Hershey Park with six of her closest friends: (top) Lizzy Frazier, Ashley Richwine, Regan Storm, and (bottom) Ruby Frazier, Maria Franjicic, and Riley Mercado.

A Legacy of Love: Remembering Emelia Yencha

Jenna Coller, Editor-in-Chief June 12, 2023

Emelia Yencha, more affectionately known as "Mia" by her family and peers, was a senior at CHS accepted to Delaware Valley University for their Zoo Science program. She passed away on March 23 2023...

Kirsten Bisconer

Kirsten Bisconer

Sal Brown, Staff Writer December 15, 2021

"Friends may give you happiness, but education sets up your entire future."

Friendships can easily begin with one simple conversation.

Before we were BFFs: a look at the ways that friendships begin

Allisya Mullins, Student life writer, Photographer December 10, 2015

Believe it or not, friendships do not just happen. How did you become friends with the ones you are friends with now? Who followed whom around, before both of you eventually formed a friendship? Who...

Thanksgiving gives families a chance to gather together and make memories.

Saying thanks

Haliey West, Student Life writer November 10, 2014

Thanksgiving: a family and friends based holiday. A day spent giving thanks to those you have in your life and for what you have. When asked what the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the...

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