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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • February 13FEB 24 - Marking Period 3 Interim Grades Issued
  • February 13FEB 24 - Course Selection Window Closes
  • February 13FEB 14th - Winter Ball - 7-10pm @ The Barn at Creek's Bend!
  • February 13Wingin' It Show Tonight! - 7pm - Swartz Cafeteria
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Senior Tessa Paulus teaches little kids in the Early Childhood Development Program. This program has a history of only having female students enrolled, despite the need for male teachers in the field of education.

The gender divide: Why are some classes not evenly represented? (Editorial)

Skylar Bowers, Michael Raphael, and Carlin Diehl February 13, 2019

Traditionally, there has been a lack of gender diversity in certain types of classes such as the arts, mathematics, and sciences. These ratios have stayed the same for a long time, this presumingly because...

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