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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


ONE MORE SHOT: Community members (adults and children) can get their first, second or booster COVID shots at a free clinic being offered by the district on Mon Mar 21, from 4-7 (appt required).

CASD offers second vaccine clinic

Jillian Grimes, News Editor March 21, 2022

A lot of adjustments have been happening at CHS in the last month with changes to mask regulations in February. As of February 28, masks became optional in CASD buildings and transportation. In correlation...

LIFE AT THE BEACH: The inside of Playa Bowls is decorated to resemble aspects of a tropical beach paradise, playa literally means beach in Spanish. The old Wardeckers location was renovated to fit the new restaurant's style.

Fresh fruit: Carlisle welcomes Playa Bowls to town

Hannah Stoner, Editor-in-Chief October 5, 2021

Playa Bowls is a chain restaurant that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It all started on the Jersey Shore with Robert Giuliani and Abby Taylor, two local surfers that wanted to create...

CRAVING NATURE:  Pine Grove Furnace State Park is a perfect place to visit throughout the year. The past year has been a rough one, with a lot of time spent indoors, so it is time to start making up for that and start exploring places around us!

Nature hotspots of Cumberland Valley

Colton Gillingham January 21, 2021

Cumberland Valley is filled with many nature-based destinations that are waiting to be explored. These family-friendly destinations are perfect to create new memories to fill the new-year, though visiting...

With the recent mumps outbreak at Temple University, the ongoing debate about vaccinations has restarted.  As no current research has linked vaccinations to conditions such as autism, despite some in the public eye arguing differently, students are encouraged to get vaccinated for infectious diseases.

Making students immune: Temple’s mumps outbreak brings vaccines to minds of students

Carlin Diehl, Staff Writer April 2, 2019

A recent mumps outbreak at Temple University has brought the vaccine debate to the young people of Pennsylvania. On March 29, it was reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer that there were 108 reported...

Swartz recently remodeled their fitness center to improve student physical fitness opportunities. Students are encouraged to use this center, with supervision, after school to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Only one life: the advantages of leading a healthy lifestyle

Kaitlyn Peck, Staff Writer March 19, 2019

Enduring a healthy lifestyle can be quite a struggle for high school students. Besides just eating vegetables and fruits, there are many other factors that can influence a healthy life. Opening up to...

Two students hold chalkboards with #MeToo written on them. The #MeToo movement in the media has encouraged survivors of sexual assault, both famous and nonfamous, to come forward with their stories.

Arming against the epidemic: How CHS combats a culture of sexual violence

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief February 19, 2019

The MeToo movement has revealed an uncomfortable truth: sexual violence is an epidemic in American society and one that cannot be ignored in schools. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource...

Tissues and cold medicine are being utilized by many students recently. Students should take care of themselves if they feel ill.

Colds in Carlisle: What’s going around and how to avoid it

Kaitlyn Peck, Staff Writer September 25, 2018

Attention all readers! Carlisle has had an outbreak with common colds,  as well as sinus issues and a spread of infectious mononucleosis (known as mono). “During summer kids are isolating themselves,...

Feminine products are often provided in the nurse's office, but at a price. These essential items should be available to all.

Menstrual products should be offered free in school settings, period (Editorial)

Reese Daugherty, Perspectives Writer December 15, 2017

Female menstruation is often seen as a taboo topic in most settings. In general terms, people simply don’t like to talk about periods. However, avoiding or suppressing a topic of this magnitude can be...

Look and feel your best by eating a balanced diet, exercising and keeping a positive outlook on life.

Look and feel your best 365 days a year

Bri Hendriksen, Fashion editor April 25, 2014

Sometimes we inevitably wake up in the morning in a funk where we just don’t feel like ourselves. This can be the result of many events that are beyond our control such as a bad hair day, personal...

Students in the new Health Care Academy program will learn vital skills for future jobs in the medical field.

Health Care Academy helps students make healthy career choices

Bryanna Youtzy, News writer October 7, 2013

Due to an increased interest in health related careers, Carlisle High School has started a new Health Careers Academy this year that according to Dr. Michele Orner, director of Careers and Technology at...

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