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  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Playing sports like football will frequently lead to injury.  These injuries not only impact the player but also the team and its season.

Hurt Herd: The impact of sport injuries

Bella Byus, Staff Writer April 24, 2017

Every​ ​year​ ​and​ ​every​ ​season,​ ​student​ ​athletes​ ​are​ ​get​ ​hurt​, ​whether​ ​it​ ​is​ ​at​ ​a​ ​game​ ​or​ ​during practice.​...

Freshman know how to rock the injured style!

Homecoming week day 2: Fake an injury day (Photos)

October 22, 2013

Fake an injury? No problem for these Carlisle students!

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