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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • February 13FEB 24 - Marking Period 3 Interim Grades Issued
  • February 13FEB 24 - Course Selection Window Closes
  • February 13FEB 14th - Winter Ball - 7-10pm @ The Barn at Creek's Bend!
  • February 13Wingin' It Show Tonight! - 7pm - Swartz Cafeteria
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Check out the first ever CHS Cinderella Shop, held after school April 15 and 16.

The Cinderella Shop: Hoping to make all of your prom wishes come true

Amber Krause, Fashion writer April 14, 2014

On average, a typical teenage girl spends about $200 for a dress, $60 for shoes and $20 for jewelry.  As significant as prom is to most females with all of the costs, prom can become very expensive. In...

Don't drown out your outfit with waves and waves of jewelry.

Jewelry: the do’s and dont’s of accessorizing

Amber Krause, Fashion writer February 18, 2014

Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings can be paired with almost any outfit, but face it: you probably wear too much at one time. If every piece of jewelry known to mankind sits on your arms, wrists,...

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